Tag Archives: thoughts

Resistance and Calming the Mind

The more I learn, the more I realize how much resistance works against me. Putting up a strong wall of resistance in a difficult situation only makes it harder to communicate with whoever else is involved and prolongs the tension. … Continue reading

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Getting the Most out of Your Float

I’ve floated almost 60 times as of this writing and in the process I’ve learned a lot about how to maximize the experience for myself. Floating affects everyone differently and no two of my floats have been exactly the same, … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “Don’t Hide from Your Feelings”

Several entries in The Daily Stoic come across to me as dismissive of unwanted or difficult emotions but this one does not. This entry highlights the importance of feeling everything and working through it rather than trying to suppress or … Continue reading

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Making the Unconscious Conscious

As I continue my self-improvement journey, I’m constantly learning more about the importance of making the unconscious conscious. By this I mean allowing unwanted thoughts, feelings, and emotions to rise to the surface rather than keeping them suppressed or repressed … Continue reading

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Some of My Thoughts on Projection

There’s a simple exercise I’ve heard of for finding your shadow. Simply write on a piece of paper everything you dislike seeing in other people and then put your name at the top; that’s your shadow. Although I’ve done this … Continue reading

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Review of Letting Go

Letting Go is the best book I’ve read this year. David Hawkins brilliantly addresses how to effectively manage unwanted thoughts, feelings, and emotions so that they don’t build up within us and cause problems. I got this book right when … Continue reading

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Good Stuff from Letting Go

Letting Go by David Hawkins contains a lot of good stuff. I’ll probably end up rereading it several times so I can get the most out of it. Here are some of the things that have resonated most strongly with … Continue reading

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Avoiding the Ideology Trap

I spent most of my life trapped in one or more ideologies. Although some of them were beneficial to me in certain ways, they all kept me from seeing as much of the big picture as I could have without … Continue reading

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A Short Guide to Mindfulness Meditation

Some people have told me that they haven’t tried meditation because they don’t think they can calm their minds enough to be free from thought. I don’t know what it’s like to be in their heads but I have managed … Continue reading

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Working Through My Thoughts

Many people are afraid of being alone with their thoughts. I understand and relate to that as my mind still gets the best of me at times. However, the more time I’ve spent by myself with no external distractions, the … Continue reading

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