Tag Archives: self-care

The Fork Theory

I recently learned of the Fork Theory through a post on social media. Earlier today, I found out that Jenrose originally posted about this brilliant concept in 2018. Although I also appreciate the Spoon Theory (linked below), I think the … Continue reading

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Good Stuff from Letting Go

Letting Go by David Hawkins contains a lot of good stuff. I’ll probably end up rereading it several times so I can get the most out of it. Here are some of the things that have resonated most strongly with … Continue reading

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Back to Basics

Lately, I’ve noticed that I keep leaning to one side when I unicycle, so I’ve gone back to shorter rides in the hopes of figuring out what’s causing me to lean and fixing my form. It seems to be helping … Continue reading

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10 Questions

I think of these questions, or some variant of them, regularly as a way to see if I’m moving in a good direction in life. Normally they stay at a more subconscious level but occasionally they rise to the surface … Continue reading

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Compounding Misery

There are a lot of things about modern life that can stress you out, from paying bills to dealing with anxiety to trying to find time to fit everything into the day. Some things are beyond your control, but you … Continue reading

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Daily Self-Care

One of my favorite chapters in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is the one that encourages us to Sharpen the Saw. This involves taking it slow for a while, making sure we get plenty of rest, and temporarily … Continue reading

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Listen to Your Body

The last two days were polar opposites for me. I worked on Thursday and felt terrible for many hours after my shift ended. In contrast, I had yesterday off and felt great for most of the day. What caused the … Continue reading

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10 Simple Things That Make a Big Difference

Sometimes I get complacent when things are going well for me and I don’t do the things that will keep me in that good place. When I neglect to do these things, I soon remember the importance of taking good … Continue reading

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Turning off the Noise

There’s so much commotion and noise in modern life. So many people are stressed and suffering because they feel like they always have to be doing something. Even when they get opportunities to relax, they can’t turn it off and … Continue reading

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How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s is coming up soon and with it come New Year’s resolutions. Many people make them but most fail to follow them for more than a month or two at most. I think I have some ideas as to … Continue reading

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