Tag Archives: self-awareness

Overcoming Guilt

Guilt has been the hardest emotion for me to work through. It’s been present in almost everything I’ve done from a young age since that’s how I was raised. Stand up for myself? Guilt. Fail to stand up for myself? … Continue reading

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Take It to the Limit

For most of my life, I’ve taken things as far as I can. It’s taken me a long time to find balance with anything and (almost) everything I do. While it can be frustrating at times, taking things to the … Continue reading

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Black Swans and Unintended Consequences

Within the past few years, I learned of the term “black swans”. Black swans are things that never even cross your mind as possibilities until after they happen. The term came from back when all swans were thought to be … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “Know Thyself – Before It’s Too Late”

I agree with this entry from The Daily Stoic in that lots of people don’t know themselves. I think I know why that may be: self-knowledge is difficult. Examining yourself and knowing yourself inside and out can be quite draining … Continue reading

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Resolving Contradictions

I’ve previously mentioned some of the contradictions in my own thinking that I’ve noticed as I’ve become more self-aware. Although I used to either ignore contradictions or try to rationalize them, I’m now working on trying to resolve them. This … Continue reading

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Some of My Contradictions

These are some of the contradictions I’ve noticed within myself. I don’t fault myself for having these contradictions. As far as I can tell, everyone has some inconsistencies, so that may just be part of the human experience. Maybe it’s … Continue reading

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Some of My Thoughts on Projection

There’s a simple exercise I’ve heard of for finding your shadow. Simply write on a piece of paper everything you dislike seeing in other people and then put your name at the top; that’s your shadow. Although I’ve done this … Continue reading

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Some Recent Realizations

I had some startling realizations yesterday at work and on my way to get some food after my shift ended. One of them was that I still do a lot of people pleasing in certain areas of my life. Another … Continue reading

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Ask Yourself Why

Socrates was known for learning how other people saw the world by asking them a lot of questions. In the process, he often got them to recognize flaws and discrepancies in their own thinking. This style has since become known … Continue reading

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Self-Reflection and Looking in the Mirror

One of the things I love the most about floating is that it often shows me what I can do better. Getting rid of all external distractions and resting in a calm, comfortable place where I feel safe makes me … Continue reading

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