Tag Archives: positivity

300 Posts

This is my 300th blog post. I’m amazed at this for several reasons. First, I remember when I started my blog and hadn’t yet put up a single post. Sometimes that feels like ages ago and other times it feels … Continue reading

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Letting Go

Something that’s been a struggle of mine for most of my life is letting go. For whatever reason, I’ve long had this underlying feeling that I have to say yes to just about anything someone asks me to do and … Continue reading

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The Choice We All Have

Every day, we all have the choice to make the world a little bit better or a little bit worse. If we treat other people well, that makes them feel good and adds a little bit of positivity to everything … Continue reading

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Pros and Cons of Social Media

I have very mixed feelings about social media, and so do many other people I know. I’ve thought about how the different platforms are commonly used and the ways that they could be used, so I’d like to share my … Continue reading

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Exploring My Rules: Dream Big

We’ve reached the penultimate entry in the series exploring my rules. This post fits in nicely with the previous post about taking chances. Today’s post is about what I do before that: Dream big. I’ve always dreamt and thought big, … Continue reading

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An Ounce of Prevention

You may have heard the saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” It simply means that it’s better to consistently maintain something than let it lapse and then try to get it back to where it … Continue reading

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Holding Space

For most of my life, I’ve habitually agreed with other people even if I didn’t actually hold their perspective. I tended to do this especially when they were being negative, probably because I didn’t want to become a target for … Continue reading

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Be Impeccable with Your Word

In The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz explores several different “agreements” that, when practiced, will bring us great personal freedom and peace. The first agreement is “Be Impeccable with Your Word”. This includes avoiding gossip, speaking the truth, being straightforward, … Continue reading

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Negative Thinking

If you found that a particular food made you sick, would it be better to keep eating that food and manage your symptoms or stop eating that food? The answer is clear, simple, and easy in this example, but that’s … Continue reading

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I’m generally optimistic. While I’ve had plenty of moments of pessimism and negativity in my life, overall I’ve maintained a mindset that things will get better and work out in the end. I don’t know why that’s largely been my … Continue reading

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