Tag Archives: mindfulness

Pain and Boundaries

I recently realized the extent to which I’m affected by others and how much I still want to control their actions. While this has been an issue for most of my life, I didn’t become consciously aware of it until … Continue reading

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My Take on Honesty

I’ve thought a lot about honesty over the past few years. Since there’s been a lot of time for my thoughts around it to settle, I’m ready to talk about it in this post. Here’s my take on honesty. Before … Continue reading

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The Hidden Blessing of Exhaustion

I’ve felt more exhausted, both physically and emotionally, over the past few months than I have in a long time. During that time, I’ve also had more personal growth than anytime I can remember since last year. I’ll explain why … Continue reading

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Hard Times, Good Communication

I once heard Jocko Willink say that on nights before he records his podcast, he tries to get less sleep than he usually does. This keeps his emotions closer to the surface and helps him during the recording. I’ve noticed … Continue reading

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Golden Silence

On Thursday, my mindfulness buddy mentioned driving around in silence as a mindfulness exercise and asked if I’d ever tried it. I said no and then started realizing how uncomfortable I can feel in silence (outside of floating, that is). … Continue reading

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Review of Island

Island is a wonderful book by Aldous Huxley. The story takes place on a Polynesian island called Pala whose inhabitants have figured out how to live peacefully, happily, and effectively. The book starts when Will Farnaby, an English journalist, wrecks … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “Stay Focused on the Present”

This is another great message from The Daily Stoic, and it’s one that I’ve been focusing on doing a lot more lately. While the quote from Marcus Aurelius sums it up nicely, the added commentary from Ryan Holiday and Stephen … Continue reading

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Mindfulness Buddy

One entry in Tim Ferriss’s book Tools of Titans covers some of Chade-Meng Tan’s ideas regarding mindfulness and meditation. Among other things, Meng talks about having a “mindfulness buddy” who can help you with your mindfulness practice. I liked that … Continue reading

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Exploring My Rules: Don’t Think Too Much

The moment has arrived, for this is the final post in the series about my rules. I hope you’ve found this series interesting and useful. It’s forced me to think through some of my ideas and rules more fully than … Continue reading

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Why I Love Cold Showers

I’ve mentioned that I recently started taking cold showers in a few previous posts, but I haven’t talked much about them. Now that I’ve been taking them for a few weeks, I’ve noticed some things that I’d like to talk … Continue reading

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