Tag Archives: Alan Watts

Review of Her

Her is a bittersweet movie starring Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson. It’s set in the near future and, with the way things are going, tells a story of what could easily happen not long from now. Although it came out … Continue reading

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Resistance and Calming the Mind

The more I learn, the more I realize how much resistance works against me. Putting up a strong wall of resistance in a difficult situation only makes it harder to communicate with whoever else is involved and prolongs the tension. … Continue reading

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Stories and Dancing

Kurt Vonnegut has a fascinating lecture about the shapes of stories. He goes through several examples of the rises, falls, and good and bad fortune that characters in stories can experience before looking at a story that has a very … Continue reading

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Be Yourself

Sometimes I wish I could be more like my role models. It’s easy to look at them and think that I’d be better capable of handling one or more aspects of my life if I had their patience, mindset, speaking … Continue reading

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Living with the Shadow

There is a concept in psychology called the shadow. As I understand it, the shadow consists of whatever aspects of ourselves we unconsciously repress or consciously suppress. It is anything that we keep from others or even from ourselves, and … Continue reading

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A Short Guide to Mindfulness Meditation

Some people have told me that they haven’t tried meditation because they don’t think they can calm their minds enough to be free from thought. I don’t know what it’s like to be in their heads but I have managed … Continue reading

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Overcoming Desire

Alan Watts talked about how difficult it is to be free from desire. For if you desire to not desire, then desire is still influencing your actions. So how do you overcome desire? I stumbled into one way to do … Continue reading

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Meditating Through the Simple Tasks

Contrary to how it’s often portrayed, meditation doesn’t necessarily involve sitting in a specific position with your eyes closed. You can meditate almost anytime during the day, especially when you’re doing something that requires little to no thought. Since I … Continue reading

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What’s the Rush?

How many people do you know who are always rushing around, never stopping to catch their breath or smell the flowers? For them, the present is an obstacle preventing them from getting to some point in the future where they’d … Continue reading

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Realizations from My Most Recent Float

I’ve had some odd experiences in my last few floats. I fell asleep in each of them, but I’ve done that in most of my floats, so that isn’t the odd part. The odd part is that I’ve gotten fidgety … Continue reading

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