How Sawyer Comforted Me

My dog Sawyer comforted me better than any other animal or human I’ve ever met. Since I lost him nearly a year ago, I’ve had to get better at comforting myself effectively. Fortunately, I learned a lot about how to do that from him. Humans have so much to learn from animals about this. Here are some of the ways Sawyer comforted me.

  1. Sitting, standing, or lying down on me. Physical touch can be incredibly comforting for me and Sawyer was a master at physical touch. His repertoire included pulling my hand over to him when he wanted pets, sleeping next to me on the couch, sitting or lying on my lap while I worked on the computer, and lying across my leg or arm. Sometimes, especially when I felt upset, he’d look intently at me and wait until I signaled him to come over before engaging. Very few humans do that, so I appreciated him getting the ok from me before coming into my space.
  2. Giving me quiet support. Unlike most humans, Sawyer never gave me any unwanted advice, dragged me into endless small talk, or talked about his own problems when I brought up mine. He was always excellent at sitting or lying down quietly near me and being present with me. Sometimes I’d share how I was feeling, but usually I just enjoyed his silent company. He always made me feel safe to either say anything or stay quiet in his presence.
  3. Celebrating with me during my good times and comforting me during my bad times. Once he got comfortable with me after he’d been home for a while, Sawyer always did what he could to support me in any season of life. That’s what made my best days even more amazing and my hard days bearable. He was excellent at knowing how much to do depending on my mood; when I felt good, he’d be more playful, and when I felt bad, he’d be more calm. What’s more, whenever I spent time alone until I felt better, he never took it personally and always welcomed me back with open arms when I was ready to interact again.
  4. Showing me love, whether I felt good or bad. Sawyer did the former by greeting me excitedly when I came home, attempting to delay me leaving the house, and seeking me out whether I was in my room, by the computer, or on the couch. He did the latter by wanting to be near me and do stuff with me even when I felt down. That meant the world to me as not everyone I know wants to be around me when I feel upset. While he did give me extra attention once I finally learned how to manage my emotions in a healthy way, he never made that a prerequisite for receiving his love and support.
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Revisiting the Past

Generally, I love revisiting places and events I’ve enjoyed in the past. Even when they don’t live up to my expectations, they’re still almost always worth experiencing again. However, there are some things that I’d rather leave as they were.

I’ve done many cool things in many cool places during some of the most wonderful times in my life. These times were so magical because either everything was going in a good direction or most things were at least better than they had been in the recent past. With everything that has changed, both in the larger world and in my own life, I dread the idea of revisiting some of those events and places. I’m certain I would compare them to previous visits during nicer times in a kinder world. I’m also certain that the newer visits would come up lacking, especially with the likelihood of other participants almost constantly and compulsively reminding me of one of the worst times in my life.

Occasionally, I’ll revisit local places I frequented a decade or more ago. Although they may look nearly the same now as they did back then, there are still always plenty of changes, whether in their outer appearances or in the other people who frequent them. That creates a split in my memories between how those places were back in the day and how they are today. I’m ok with that split in some cases but not in others. In certain cases, I’d rather my most recent memories of those places remain the ones from back in the day.

My dog Sawyer’s death plays a huge role in this. When I still had him, we would always say goodbye before a big adventure and hello when I returned. Whether or not the adventure was incredible, generally enjoyable, decent, or even disappointing, I always had him to welcome me back and make me feel better if I felt bad or boost my mood even more if I felt good. Without him, I’ve become a lot more reserved as I don’t want to risk getting hurt without my little best friend to comfort me. That pain seems like more than I could bear at this point.

I don’t know how this will change as I continue healing. This has been my outlook for many years and it has only grown stronger since I lost Sawyer just under 11 months ago. Fortunately, my boundaries have improved to the point that I decide what events I do and do not attend, regardless of how much somebody might want me to go; no amount of guilting, enticing, or other forms of pressuring can make me change my mind once I’ve made it up. I also feel no need to explain why I don’t attend certain events. While all of this may change at any point, it seems like the best place for me to be right now, and that’s all right with me.

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4 Tricks for Better Conversations

Effective conversation can be difficult at times. There are many ways for conversations to go off the rails, even if they start off smoothly. Fortunately, there are also many ways to get them back on track or keep them from going off track in the first place. Here are some simple things that create and sustain effective conversations.

  1. Bring peace to the conversation by talking more slowly. This can make everyone feel at ease and allow for more enjoyable interactions than when there is a lot of nervous energy from fast talking. Along these lines, pause for at least two seconds after someone finishes talking to see if they’re through or are just catching their breath or gathering their thoughts before they continue speaking. This also allows what has just been said to sink in and stand a better chance of sticking with the listeners. Additionally, having longer pauses (anywhere from ten seconds to several minutes) when the conversation naturally dies down creates a wonderful opportunity to bond. More can often be learned about someone through silence than through speaking. It’s a shame more people don’t ever get the chance to learn about each other that way.
  2. Allow everyone to converse in their own way. This includes refraining from hurrying anyone along, finishing someone’s sentences (unless they’re stuck searching for a word and have asked for help), pressuring anyone to answer right away, asking multiple questions before the first one is answered, or interrupting stories by asking questions that will likely be answered naturally over the course of the story. When everyone brings their own unique style and personality to the table, exchanges become more interesting, unpredictable, and, likely, rewarding. All of that is lost when one or more participants attempts to make everyone converse a certain way.
  3. Talk about things every participant wants to talk about. When two or more people are talking at length about things they love but which don’t resonate with one or more participants, that can be extremely lonely for whoever is left out. On the many occasions I’ve found myself in those situations, I’ve often wondered what the point of me even being there was. This is less likely to happen in small groups and in situations where there is some clear shared interest, such as at a sports event or a comic convention. So, if there’s someone in a group who hasn’t said anything for a long stretch of time, shift the conversation by asking them about something they enjoy. They still may prefer to listen rather than speak but at least this invitation gives them the chance to engage and moves the whole encounter closer to finding something that everyone can enjoy discussing.
  4. Think like a dog. Anyone who’s spent time around dogs knows that they are masters of making everyone feel seen, welcomed, and loved. While any given dog may have preferred humans, they’ll still show love and kindness to all those around them, at least once they feel comfortable around new folks. My dog Sawyer always did this for me and made some of my loneliest times much less lonely. Even though dogs have a leg up (or, rather, several legs) in this regard, humans can still vastly improve their interactions by taking a lead from man’s best friend.
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What to Say When Someone Loses a Pet

Last week, I covered some things not to say when someone loses a pet. It’s only fitting for this week’s post to cover what to say when a pet dies. In addition to the suggestions below, I highly recommend checking out When a Pet Dies by Mister Rogers. That is a wonderful resource for an individual, family, or anyone else who has lost a pet or wishes to comfort someone who has. That book, along with lots of kind words from acquaintances and strangers alike, have been wonderful parts of my healing journey after losing my dog Sawyer. With all that in mind, here are some good things to say to someone who loses a pet.

  1. “How can I support you right now?” There are all kinds of ways to support someone who is grieving their lost pet, including listening, giving them space, hugging them, helping them with chores or financial issues, providing advice, etc. What any given person wants at any given time can vary widely, so asking this question early on is essential for knowing how to best help them. This also prevents inadvertent harm that can result from rushing in with unwanted “help”.
  2. Nothing. Sometimes even the kindest words are unwanted and unhelpful. Sometimes sitting with someone in silence or giving them space are preferred. If that’s what the person wants, then that is the best thing to do for them. Attempting to force them to do something they’re not willing or able to do will only make them feel worse, delay the healing process, and strain your relationship with them. Keep that in mind whenever the urge to jump in and “fix” them becomes strong.
  3. “What are some of your favorite memories with _______?” Best to use the pet’s name when you ask this question instead of saying “Your pet”, “The dog”, etc. However, not everyone wants to share their fond memories right away, and some may not want to share at all. As long as you readily accept whatever answer they give without pushing back against them, it’s fine to ask the question. After all, how will you know if they want to share unless you ask? For those who do want to share, this can be a wonderful invitation to keep alive the memory of their beloved animal friend and let them know that someone else is interested in hearing those sweet stories, even if that person never met their pet.
  4. Anything that recognizes and affirms the emotions the person is feeling. This one is huge. Loss of a loved one can bring with it a huge range of emotions, both positive and negative: depression, anxiety, anger, guilt, happiness, shame, peace, and so on. A lot of the pain comes from resisting certain emotions, even if those emotions are irrational. This pain can be exacerbated by well-meaning phrases, such as “Don’t cry” or “Just focus on the good times you had”. Someone may feel guilty over losing their pet even if they have no “reason” to do so. Unless that guilt is fully felt, it will stick around and keep causing trouble, possibly for the rest of the person’s life. While there’s no need to add to someone’s pain by making them feel bad about what they did or didn’t do for their pet, telling them to ignore their emotions is also harmful. Making them feel safe to experience whatever emotions come up is such a healing gesture, and one that’s not done nearly often enough.
  5. Anything positive about the pet. This is extra meaningful if you got to meet the person’s pet. Even if you didn’t, it’s still kind to compliment the pet’s appearance, say how much you enjoy listening to stories about the critter, talk about how much the person’s eyes light up and their voice becomes soft when talking about their beloved animal friend, etc. It’s crucial to maintain respect for how the person is feeling when doing this; they might want to hear a lot of that or little to none of it depending on where they are in their healing journey. As long as this is done respectfully, it can be incredibly beneficial for the grieving person to hear about shared love for their pet and to possibly hear how their pet benefited others in ways they never knew.
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What Not to Say When Someone Loses a Pet

The worst part of having a pet is the pain that comes when a pet dies. As if that weren’t enough, the cruel words and actions of others can add even more pain. I’ve been on the receiving end of at least a few cruel words since losing my dog Sawyer last April. In the hopes of stopping this, here are some things not to say to someone who has lost a pet.

  1. “Just get another one”. This is extremely insensitive and implies that a pet is replaceable. Even if someone does adopt another animal when they’re ready, the relationship with the new animal will be different than the one with the previous animal. Additionally, the only times I’ve heard of this being said with regard to human death are when someone loses a baby and is told to “Just have another one”. Outside of that, I’ve never heard of anyone being told this after losing a parent, sibling, grandparent, or other human family member, almost as if most folks know better than to say it to someone who is grieving. I hope that it quickly falls out of fashion and everyone who has said it stops saying it, whether about human or animal death.
  2. Anything negative about the appearance of the pet. Someone close to me once said that when she took one of her cats to the vet for the final time, somebody working at the office described her cat as looking “ugly”. I can’t think of a crueler thing to say to someone who is about to lose a beloved animal friend, or anytime at all; even if I thought their pet was ugly, I’d keep it to myself. Saying something rude about someone’s pet only causes harm, especially when they have lost or are about to lose them.
  3. “That’s not that long”. This pertains to pets who die before the expected lifespan of their species. With the exception of animals whose lives are about as long as or longer than human lifespans, everyone with a pet is aware that they will most likely outlive their pet. If a given pet dies sooner than expected, it’s best to avoid pointing that out. Just over a month after I lost Sawyer, someone felt the need to point out that he didn’t live as long as many other small dogs. Mentioning that only served to make me feel even worse than I already felt. I wish I’d said something at the time about how unnecessary and counterproductive that was. I plan to do exactly that if anyone ever says something similar to me again. There’s no need to remind someone how little time they had with their beloved animal friend.
  4. “The pain never goes away”. This is a horrible thing to say to someone who is severely hurting from the loss of their pet, especially if that loss is recent. I don’t know why anyone thinks it’s beneficial to tell someone that the extreme pain they’re feeling will always be with them. Additionally, since it’s been a little over ten months since Sawyer’s death, I now know this statement to be factually wrong. A huge amount of the pain has gone away, thanks to all the emotional work I’ve done this past year. As with other extremely painful experiences I’ve worked through, I’m certain that all the pain around this situation will be gone once I’ve fully worked through it.
  5. “Get over it”. For whatever reason, this phrase still sometimes comes up when someone feels upset about a painful loss. It seems especially prevalent when it comes to animal death. Sawyer treated me better than most other humans have, including several members of my biological family. Losing him has been the most painful experience of my life and I’m so grateful that nobody has told me to “get over” his death. Unfortunately, I know that many others have been told this in the midst of losing their own beloved animal friends, including those whose beloved animal friends have been as special to them as Sawyer has been to me. That phrase and the sentiment behind it are both absolutely unnecessary as well as counterproductive to the healing process.
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Spread the Wonderful

Recently, I realized that my best days often contain a feature that I call “spread the wonderful”. This involves having at least one nice thing in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Like most other simple things, spreading the wonderful does a lot with just a little.

To start, spreading the wonderful is a much better approach than having all the niceness in just one part of the day. If each part of the day has something nice in it, it makes everything much smoother and more enjoyable. It feels similar to being in a theme park and going from one fun ride, show, or other kind of activity to another. Should something unpleasant happen, having niceness surrounding the unpleasantness makes it much easier to handle. However, when the whole day has wonderful stuff throughout, it becomes less likely that something bad will happen, that a bad happening will worsen my mood, or both. Everything’s easier to handle when I’m in a good mood, and plenty of nice things make it easy for me to get into, and stay in, a good mood.

Spreading the wonderful was much easier when my dog Sawyer was still here. Although it was often hard to leave him in the morning for work, school, or whatever else I had in store for that day, I still enjoyed visiting with him before I left the house. Hanging out with him when I got back always made going home a huge treat, even if I’d had a bad day. Since he died, it’s easier to leave the house as I won’t be missing out on quality time with him while I’m away. It’s also harder to go back home knowing he won’t be there to greet me, make me feel welcomed, and love on me just because. As such, I’ve made spreading the wonderful an even higher priority so I can handle life without him. That makes the decent days better and the hard days bearable. I hope I keep improving at this and get to where I can do it effectively no matter what life throws at me.

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The Monster

The monster lost its power over me.

For most of my life, it controlled me and made me do anything it wanted me to.

I always tried to avoid its crushing grip but never succeeded.

Fighting it only made it stronger.

Eventually, I decided to look at it.

It took ages before I could look at it without the fear stopping me.

After that came huge amounts of sadness, which eventually faded.

Anger was next and seemed like it would never go away.

Fortunately, it, too, eventually faded.

One day, I realized that the monster was merely my own inner pain.

I then decided to see what would happen if I loved the pain instead of hating it.

As I did all of this, the monster got smaller and weaker every step of the way.

Its control over me loosened the smaller and weaker it got.

My own power grew and strengthened the more I did this.

My dog Sawyer helped immensely by loving me through all of it.

Eventually, the monster went away entirely.

I’ve been free ever since.

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Lessons From a Barrier and a Computer

In this blog post, we’ll examine several concepts about effective human function through a few real-world devices that seem to have no relation to each other or to the human concepts. Let’s go.

Tom Scott has a cool video about the Thames Barrier. That system is designed so well that it will still provide sufficient protection even if one of the barrier’s huge gates becomes inoperable. Should that happen, then, as Tom put it, “The margin for error would be gone, but that’s why the margin’s there.” Redundancy, strength, and flexibility are essential for this system, and they are all also crucial for the systems that I use in my own life. As I’ve learned how to function more effectively, I’ve gotten better at making do with a lot less. That said, I still prefer to have multiple ways for something to succeed than just one; if I only have one method and it fails, I’m sunk. The greater the efficiency, the smaller the margin of error. This is a problem for anyone looking to push the limits, see how much they can do with as little as possible, follow extreme schedules, and work too hard for too long on too little rest.

One of the first electronic computers ever made was used to decrypt German high command messages during WWII. Called Colossus, the computer utilized vacuum tubes, also called thermionic valves, which were known to break. Tommy Flowers, the English engineer who designed and built Colossus, said “Valves are fine so long as you never switch them off.” When not in use, the power could be turned down low but was still kept on; doing so preserved most of the valves, as did increasing or decreasing the power slowly rather than quickly. This is an effective approach for humans as well: ramping up and down slowly to minimize stress instead of jumping straight into a high level of function and staying there too long. Whenever I change gears effectively and back off as needed, it prevents me from getting overwhelmed or burned out, even when I have a lot on my plate.

Those are a few examples of the importance of having a sufficient margin of error, doing things at the proper pace, and resting as needed. With so many humans getting poor nutrition, not enough water, insufficient physical activity, little to no effective stress management, and insufficient amounts of quality sleep, it’s no wonder there are so many problems in the world that go unsolved and get worse. Lots of small stresses add up to big stresses, and even small amounts of stress prevent even small problems from being solved. The problem is multiplied when stress makes people fight with each other rather than work together.

I believe that everyone is always doing the best they are capable of in any given moment. However, for reasons discussed above, most are not anywhere near their peak potential. Those who consistently get enough quality sleep, good nutrition, solid exercise, effective stress management, and sufficient recovery are able to operate near their full potential. Those who consistently neglect one or more of these are stuck at a much lower level. I notice this in myself whenever I feel tired (especially when I’ve had several days of insufficient sleep), hungry, thirsty, and so on. In that state, I can’t think, speak, solve problems, behave properly, or do much of anything well. Only after I give myself whatever I need to feel better can I act effectively. Sometimes it only takes a few minutes to return to effective action and other times it can take more than a week.

It’s hard to tell if things in general are moving in a positive direction with regards to all of the above. When it seems to be happening, there is lots of talk about healing and love alongside positive action toward those ends. Other times, that couldn’t be further from reality. When that happens, there is tons of negativity, hostility, and hatred, and any action taken only makes things worse. These two scenarios often alternate in a seemingly endless cycle.

I used to stress almost endlessly about the state of things. I’d feel overjoyed when it was going well and devastated when it took a turn. Now I do my best to ignore the noise and focus on what I can heal in myself (which almost always involves some pain related to losing my dog Sawyer) and how I can help those close to me. That makes me feel a lot calmer and allows me to act much more effectively by preventing me from getting caught up in negativity. For the things that are worth doing, I’d rather stay focused on giving them my all instead of getting constantly distracted by negative irrelevancies. I plan to continue this as much as possible, whether or not anyone else follows suit.

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4 Ideas to Avoid

I’ve come across a lot of ideas since my self-improvement journey began. Many of them have been wonderful and have made my life better whenever I’ve used them consistently. However, there have also been plenty of bad ideas that have either kept me from improving or have gone so far as to make me regress. Sometimes pointing out the ideas to avoid can be just as important as pointing out the ideas to practice; simply steering clear of potholes can save a lot of trouble, both on the road and in life. Here are some ideas that I think should be avoided at all costs.

  1. “You can’t know the good without the bad”. I almost always hear this said alongside a long speech about everything from light and darkness to good and evil. The idea itself and the speech come across to me as attempts to think or talk away painful emotions instead of working through them. Also, how can anyone claim to know with certainty that idea about good and bad? Since nobody has gone through a whole life knowing only good or only bad, nobody can truly know if this statement is true or false. Instead of believing badness to be an essential element of life, it’s better to work to reduce or eliminate it wherever possible, which is difficult to do if one believes the first idea on this list.
  2. “You need some sadness in life”. Another seeming attempt to rationalize painful experiences instead of working through negative emotions and avoiding unnecessary pain. This one is similar enough to the previous idea that I’ll add a necessary clarifying point: it’s still important to work through sadness when it comes up. Most of my posts since 2020 have discussed this to some degree, so I won’t belabor the point here. As crucial as it is to manage sadness in a healthy way, it’s equally crucial to avoid falling into the trap of thinking that a life without sadness would somehow be worse than a life with sadness.
  3. “Protect your energy”. Of all the ideas on this list, this one is the least bad. I believe the intentions behind it are good but that it causes more harm than good. In addition to fostering excessive personal guarding, the notion that energy can be taken or given from person to person creates a self-fulfilling prophecy that can make someone attempting to “protect energy” feel worse than if he had done nothing. On a practical level, I’ve never heard any explanation of how to “protect energy” from anyone who’s used that phrase around me. My own daily practice involves noticing how I’m feeling and doing whatever I need to either stay feeling good or feel better if I’m feeling bad. This could include eating, drinking water, moving around, sleeping, using the bathroom, taking some deep breaths, talking to a kind person, spending time by myself, etc. I find all of that self-care more useful than trying to “protect energy”.
  4. “Life is suffering”. By far the worst idea on this list, it’s hard to know where to start with this one since there’s so much wrong with it. For one thing, it’s factually wrong. Suffering is a mental state, not an inevitable fact of life and especially not the totality of life itself. Someone can be in great pain without suffering while another can be in hardly any pain and yet suffer greatly. This is totally lost when someone uses that phrase without ever defining the word “suffering” or using the term “suffering” interchangeably with other words such as “pain”, “misery”, “discontent”, etc. Further, this phrase is often attributed to the Buddha despite the fact that it is a massive perversion of what the Buddha actually said. Although getting an accurate translation is difficult, it is safe to say that his ideas were more nuanced and useful than saying “Life is suffering”. Lastly, this phrase seems like an easy excuse to make oneself and others miserable. Creating and spreading misery was precisely what someone I once knew did almost every chance he got; the fact that this person also used this phrase more than anyone else I’ve ever known is, to me, no coincidence. If he wasn’t already out of my life, I still wouldn’t have turned to him for support when I lost my dog Sawyer. Knowing him and remembering some specific situations involving animals, he’d have made me feel much worse with his harsh words and total lack of compassion. Rather than repeat his mistakes, it’s best to recognize that life is an adventure that we can either use it for good or for bad, and to do our best to use it for good.
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Eliminate the Negative

Be careful with what you consume, especially the negative. Too much negativity will drag you down. What’s more, it’ll skew your perception of reality by making you think that everything is much worse than it actually is. Focusing excessively on the negative will make you miss a lot of the good stuff and leave you with less energy to pursue the things you love.

The news is full of negativity. So much that a fairly well-known saying about the news is “If it bleeds, it leads.” Stories that are shocking, saddening, enraging, or controversial take precedence over stories that are calming, joyful, soothing, or lovable. In his TED Talk, Steven Pinker makes the point that “You never see a journalist who says ‘I’m reporting live from a country that has been at peace for 40 years.'” It’s no surprise that so many who are glued to the news seem to be in permanent bad moods. This is why I don’t watch the news and do my best to stay away from as many news stories as possible. When I occasionally see or hear a negative news story, I always notice an immediate downturn in my mood. On a side note, I use the term “news” loosely since much of it is better described as editorials (opinions) rather than actual news (facts). If I’m looking for opinions on things I already know, editorials can be useful. If I’m looking for information on recent events, actual news is the way to go. More often than not, I’d rather look at historical sources (which are more likely to be correct than news that is shown when hardly any information is known) and form my own opinions than be told what to think.

Everything in the previous paragraph also applies to social media. Sometimes I get caught up scrolling for minutes at a time, pausing occasionally to look at frustrating, depressing, or otherwise upsetting things. Once in a while, I even end up intentionally seeking out negative stories. When I’m feeling incredibly low and keep running across negative things online, I have to take breaks from the internet to recover my peace. Much as I dislike doing that, I still do it as needed to avoid sinking into an even lower place.

When I’m feeling lots of negative emotions, I make sure to offset them with a lot of positive stuff. Some things I find helpful include participating in fun activities, spending time with humans and animals I love, and getting plenty of physical activity. Taking a warm shower at the end of rough days always makes me feel much better and improves my sleep. All of that, in addition to working through the negative emotions, helps me feel better by reminding me that there’s more in life than just the negative situation or mood I’m in.

I also find it helpful to have several good things going at one time. Having at least a few things going well makes it easier to handle one or two things that may be going poorly. Aside from the positive feelings that come from success, those successes also remind me that whatever isn’t working is only part of the story and prevent me from spending too much time on the negative. As long as I don’t take on too much at once, this is a hugely beneficial practice.

I’ve had to be extra careful with negativity since losing my dog Sawyer last April. All of my activities have been majorly affected, especially my in-person interactions. There have been many changes regarding who I spend time around, what we talk about, how long we interact before I take time for myself, and more. I don’t know why but for at least the past decade, lots of people vent to me without permission (and without even asking, most of the time). A conversation will quickly shift into the things they hate, their bad day at work, the unpleasant state of things, etc. Gossip and putting me in an awkward position by talking badly about people that both of us know are also common. Sometimes even complete strangers dump all their problems on me. A few of them go even further by bringing up lots of their own negativity whenever I talk about having a hard time. That makes me feel even worse and doubles the amount of negativity without doing anything to solve any of it. Spending even a small amount of time around those folks leaves me feeling incredibly drained afterward, so I minimize my exposure to them.

Fortunately, I’ve done pretty well to get the overwhelmingly negative humans out of my life over the past few years. The ones who always focus on the dark clouds and never the silver linings; the ones who always point out the one thing they dislike instead of the many things they like; the ones for whom nothing is ever good enough as they make it known to everyone within earshot; the ones for whom complaining is their native tongue and who don’t want to learn another language. Those folks have always dragged me down even when I’ve felt on top of the world and they drag me down even more when I’m already feeling bad. It’s as if they cling to anyone who appears to be doing better than they are in the hope that they won’t drown in their sorrows, even though such efforts usually drown both them and whoever gets stuck with them. Sometimes they still pop into my world but mostly they stay away at this point. I’m glad that most people I interact with regularly treat me much better than the ones I’ve described above.

I strive to be consistent by keeping most of my negativity to myself. Sometimes I’ll ask someone close to me if I can vent and they almost always say yes. This is a pretty rare occurrence since I’ve learned so much about managing my emotions in a healthy way. Even when I do vent, I still have to work through the emotions on my own time if I want to feel better in a lasting way. Additionally, I do what I can to make the interactions I seek out enjoyable for everyone involved. Although I haven’t mastered any of this, I’ve improved significantly at it since I made it a priority. I hope I continue to improve.

When I have occasionally gotten drawn back into drama and negativity, the horrible feelings I’ve had after (and often during) those kinds of interactions have reminded me why I avoid that stuff like the plagues they are. Sometimes I simply leave negative scenarios and other times I stay silent in them rather than joining in the negativity. Whether either of those approaches affects what those around me do, they both minimize my exposure to the negativity and prevent me from getting my hands dirty.

I have no patience at this point for gossip, drama, horrible communication, rumors, or anything else that’s needlessly negative. Talking effectively with my loved ones about issues we have that are worth working through together? Sure. Something that’ll just create or spread pain and misery? No way. I’m not engaging in that anymore. The more I withdraw from all of that, the more peaceful my life becomes. When I come across pure negativity after long periods of time away from it, it seems even more intolerable to me and my resolve to avoid it becomes even stronger. I think all these boundaries I’ve set up against negativity are a large part of why I get hardly any of this stuff anymore when it used to constitute a huge portion of my interactions with others. I look forward to seeing how this goes as I continue healing and getting better at eliminating the negativity around me.

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