Good Stuff from Letting Go

Letting Go by David Hawkins contains a lot of good stuff. I’ll probably end up rereading it several times so I can get the most out of it. Here are some of the things that have resonated most strongly with me so far and given me a lot to think about.

  1. Thoughts don’t hurt; the emotions underneath them do.
  2. Depersonalizing thoughts, emotions, and opinions (such as saying “an opinion” rather than “my opinion”) makes it easier to let them go.
  3. Suppressing unwanted thoughts and emotions doesn’t make them go away, it just causes them to build up within us and results in a lot of problems, including physical ailments.
  4. Allowing ourselves to fully feel our emotions without resisting them is how we let go of them.
  5. Surrendering to a lower emotion allows us to move up to higher emotions.
  6. Through daily practice, we can overcome our conditioning and choose how to respond to whatever happens to us.
  7. Even with the best life hacks for handling emotions, pain, and other challenges in life, we can still suffer if we don’t practice them regularly.
  8. People project what they don’t like about themselves onto others.
  9. Regularly working on releasing the built-up negativity within us is essential for healing and being free from the past.
  10. Some things that we thought were healed actually require more work before we can fully move on from them.
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