Category Archives: Personal Freedom

How to Be Leisurely Productive

Which is a better way to get things done: stretching tasks out over a long period time or trying to get everything done as quickly as possible? My answer is neither. As is usual for me, I’ve found a middle … Continue reading

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How to Handle Emotions?

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about different approaches to emotions. One approach says that you should feel whatever emotions come up, allow them to be, and avoid trying to suppress them, repress them, or force them to be anything … Continue reading

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Exploiting Glitches in the Matrix

I’ve always been fascinated by people who’ve done things differently. Those who fall into line and do things exactly as everyone else does them have never impressed me. They don’t do anything differently, accomplish anything great, or stand out in … Continue reading

Posted in Communication, Getting Along with Each Other, Humanitarian Things, Inspirational People, Life Hacks, Personal Freedom, Self-Improvement | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Exploiting Glitches in the Matrix

Wu Wei: The Art of Effortless Action

In the first Star Wars movie, Princess Leia says the following quote to Grand Moff Tarkin: “The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.” You may be familiar with this notion if … Continue reading

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How to Step Outside of Ideologies

I’ve spent a lot of time trying to back away from ideologies, both the ones that I grew up with and the ones I adopted on my own. I don’t know if I’m completely free from them now but they … Continue reading

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Be Careful

Be careful what you decide you know about other people. It’s easy to look at someone through a particular lens and think that you understand them fully. But do you truly know someone else’s intentions? Can you always determine their … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “Sweat the Small Stuff”

Small victories, that’s what this entry from The Daily Stoic is all about. Although I disagree with the point about making your bed since I never make mine, I think the rest of this entry is spot on. Get the … Continue reading

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The Garden of Life

Sometimes I have to hear a lesson several times before I start putting it into practice. I’ve come to think of this process as akin to gardening. Hearing the lesson once plants the seed. Hearing it several more times adds … Continue reading

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Being the Rubber Duck

I’ve decided to stop giving personal advice unless someone specifically asks for it. I was thinking about this at work recently. Some computer programmers keep a rubber duck on their desk. If they get stuck when they’re working on a … Continue reading

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Shiny Objects

After the second Matrix movie debuted, some fans came up with an interesting idea. They began to suspect that everyone in Zion was actually still in the matrix. Instead of being free, they were trapped in a second level designed … Continue reading

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