Category Archives: Great Books

Gentle Guidance

This is a wonderful short story from How to Win Friends and Influence People. It does a great job showing how the power of gentle guidance and kindness works much better than force and brutality. I’ve been thinking of this … Continue reading

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Stephen Covey: A Paradigm Shift

This is a story that Stephen Covey uses in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to demonstrate the power of paradigm shifts. Notice that nothing changes in the story except Covey’s perception on the situation; that one change made … Continue reading

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Efficient Time Management

For at least the last week, I had been meaning to write about something related to my work but I kept putting it off, saying “I’ll do it later.” However, when “later” arrived, I continued delaying getting started. This morning, … Continue reading

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Right Where I Need to Be

I can be pretty impatient with almost anything, especially self-improvement. Sometimes I’ll feel like I’m making no progress at all or actually regressing despite everything I’ve learned. What helps me during those moments is to think about moments of serendipity … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures, Great Books, Life Hacks, Personal Freedom, Self-Improvement, Swing Dancing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Right Where I Need to Be

Review of Letting Go

Letting Go is the best book I’ve read this year. David Hawkins brilliantly addresses how to effectively manage unwanted thoughts, feelings, and emotions so that they don’t build up within us and cause problems. I got this book right when … Continue reading

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Living with the Shadow

There is a concept in psychology called the shadow. As I understand it, the shadow consists of whatever aspects of ourselves we unconsciously repress or consciously suppress. It is anything that we keep from others or even from ourselves, and … Continue reading

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Let Go and Dance

This passage from Letting Go is a wonderful illustration of what it’s like to get lost in a dance. David Hawkins perfectly describes the feeling I’ve felt on many occasions; that feeling is primarily why I stuck with swing dancing … Continue reading

Posted in Communication, Getting Along with Each Other, Great Books, Inspirational People, Life Hacks, Personal Freedom, Self-Improvement, Swing Dancing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Let Go and Dance

The Daily Stoic: “It’s Easy to Get Better. But Better at What?”

This entry from The Daily Stoic is a good reminder to keep my priorities in check. I want to strike a good balance between taking good care of myself (which includes pursuing and improving at my interests) and having good … Continue reading

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A Lesson in Letting Go

Saturday night was the roughest part of a difficult two weeks for me. When I got home after work, I spoke with a friend who helped me work through a lot of stuff I’ve been feeling lately and that was … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “Give People the Benefit of the Doubt”

The Daily Stoic has once again touched on a subject I find incredibly difficult when I’m in the heat of the moment, although I’m pretty good at doing this when I’m observing a situation from the outside. Still, when I … Continue reading

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