Category Archives: Getting Along with Each Other

A Lesson in Letting Go

Saturday night was the roughest part of a difficult two weeks for me. When I got home after work, I spoke with a friend who helped me work through a lot of stuff I’ve been feeling lately and that was … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “Give People the Benefit of the Doubt”

The Daily Stoic has once again touched on a subject I find incredibly difficult when I’m in the heat of the moment, although I’m pretty good at doing this when I’m observing a situation from the outside. Still, when I … Continue reading

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Some of My Thoughts on Discipline

I’ve been thinking about discipline lately and the way I see it, discipline has to come from within. You might be able to force someone to do something but once you’re no longer around, will they keep doing it? If … Continue reading

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Good Stuff from Letting Go

Letting Go by David Hawkins contains a lot of good stuff. I’ll probably end up rereading it several times so I can get the most out of it. Here are some of the things that have resonated most strongly with … Continue reading

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Hard Times, Good Communication

I once heard Jocko Willink say that on nights before he records his podcast, he tries to get less sleep than he usually does. This keeps his emotions closer to the surface and helps him during the recording. I’ve noticed … Continue reading

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Avoiding the Ideology Trap

I spent most of my life trapped in one or more ideologies. Although some of them were beneficial to me in certain ways, they all kept me from seeing as much of the big picture as I could have without … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “Revenge Is a Dish Best Not Served”

Another reminder from The Daily Stoic of something that’s hard for me to do. Even if I don’t retaliate against someone who I think has wronged me, you can bet I’m fantasizing about doing so. What helps me sometimes avoid … Continue reading

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Joker and Mental Health

Joker is the best movie I’ve seen in theaters this year because it’s the most real one I’ve seen. It doesn’t shy away from the pain and hardships that come with mental illness and it does a wonderful job at … Continue reading

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Half a Week with Impostor Syndrome

I had an exchange recently that made me question everything about my journey and where I’m going. It gave me a case of impostor syndrome that stayed with me for about half a week before finally dissipating. Even though I … Continue reading

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Back to Basics

Lately, I’ve noticed that I keep leaning to one side when I unicycle, so I’ve gone back to shorter rides in the hopes of figuring out what’s causing me to lean and fixing my form. It seems to be helping … Continue reading

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