Category Archives: Communication

Stay Out of the Story

My mind is rarely content to sit with emotions. It loves to turn them into a story and run with it as a justification for those feelings. This prevents understanding of what actually happened and makes it much harder to … Continue reading

Posted in Communication, Getting Along with Each Other, Inspirational People, Life Hacks, Personal Freedom, Self-Improvement | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Review of So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed

So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed is an intriguing book by Jon Ronson. It covers a wide range of subjects related to public shaming. Here is a brief overview along with some of my thoughts on it. Ronson includes several stories … Continue reading

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Encouragement and Celebration

When little kids attempt something, nearby adults often give them a great deal of encouragement and will celebrate even small accomplishments with them. As the kids age, that positive support tends to decrease despite the skill level increasing. That can … Continue reading

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Review of Homecoming

Homecoming is an incredibly profound book by John Bradshaw. It was a great introduction for me to inner child work. I’m still no expert on it but now that I’ve finished working through Homecoming, I see how powerful and healing … Continue reading

Posted in Communication, Getting Along with Each Other, Great Books, Inspirational People, Life Hacks, Personal Freedom, Self-Improvement | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Review of Homecoming

The Poetry of Language

Writing, as with everything else, is easiest when the mind is still and ideas are allowed to flow freely. A writing block I sometimes experience comes from trying to make it perfect on the first go. I can overcome this … Continue reading

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Take My Ideas, Please

I once heard economist David Friedman say something along the lines of “When you’re young, you’re afraid somebody will steal your ideas; when you’re old, you’re afraid nobody will”. Though I’m quite young, I still resonate with Friedman’s statement. That’s … Continue reading

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Black Swans and Unintended Consequences

Within the past few years, I learned of the term “black swans”. Black swans are things that never even cross your mind as possibilities until after they happen. The term came from back when all swans were thought to be … Continue reading

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While I Still Have Time

For most of my life, I’ve had a feeling that I’d die young. Many writers have done so for various reasons. I think there’s a definite connection between writing and instability. Those who have good things to say see things … Continue reading

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Avoiding Disaster on the Way to Utopia

I often see people use the word “utopia” to describe what they consider to be an unrealistic or extremely unlikely society. In conversations about how the world could be, once someone characterizes another’s viewpoint as utopian, the exchange usually devolves … Continue reading

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2021 Goals

While I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, I still started a tradition of setting goals a few years ago and I’ve been pretty good at sticking with them. Next week I’ll take a look at how I did with keeping … Continue reading

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