Category Archives: Communication

A Lesson from Steven Wright

Last Friday, I saw Steven Wright perform at the Florida Theatre. I normally dislike stand-up comedy but I’ve been a fan of Steven Wright ever since I first heard him several years ago. His act consists of dozens of one-liner … Continue reading

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Pursuing Meaning

In Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl asserts that we are all driven to find meaning in life. Sometimes I have trouble with this concept as so much of what goes on today seems meaningless. However, I just recently realized … Continue reading

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Unintended Consequences

There are consequences for everything you decide to do (and everything you refrain from doing). Some of those consequences are unintended and can’t be easily foreseen or protected against. People may react differently to your proposal than you thought they … Continue reading

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Review of Man’s Search for Meaning

Man’s Search for Meaning is a difficult, useful book. Difficult in that it describes Viktor Frankl’s experiences in concentration camps during the Holocaust and useful because it also includes the lessons he learned from those experiences. I knew what it … Continue reading

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Some of My Contradictions

These are some of the contradictions I’ve noticed within myself. I don’t fault myself for having these contradictions. As far as I can tell, everyone has some inconsistencies, so that may just be part of the human experience. Maybe it’s … Continue reading

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4 Books Everyone Should Read Right Now

Things seem to be getting crazier out there, or maybe it’s just me. I try to stay out of the worst of it as much as I can but I feel that I should say something about it. Thinking about … Continue reading

Posted in Communication, Getting Along with Each Other, Great Books, Humanitarian Things, Inspirational People, Life Hacks, Personal Freedom, Self-Improvement | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on 4 Books Everyone Should Read Right Now

Just Relax

Being able to relax in difficult situations makes them much easier to handle. I started thinking about this on two separate occasions earlier in the week. The first situation took place in the shower. Whenever I take a cold shower, … Continue reading

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The Difficulty of Giving Good Advice

At this point, I’m more cautious about giving advice than I’ve ever been before. This doesn’t meant that I never give advice. I’m happy to offer advice if someone asks for it and I can be of help to them. … Continue reading

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Stephen Covey: A Paradigm Shift

This is a story that Stephen Covey uses in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to demonstrate the power of paradigm shifts. Notice that nothing changes in the story except Covey’s perception on the situation; that one change made … Continue reading

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Good Communication: The Way Forward

Sometimes I feel like a broken record on this blog. There are a few subjects that I regularly write about, sometimes from different angles but often from the same angles. Communication is one of those subjects. I’m sure I’ve said … Continue reading

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