Author Archives: admin

Downsides of Being Quiet

Being the quiet one is not all it’s cracked up to be. Sometimes it’s downright awful. On many occasions, my dog Sawyer was the only one in my life who treated me with quiet kindness and respected what I needed … Continue reading

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Who Do You Trust?

I’ve been thinking a lot about trust lately, particularly the issue of knowing who to trust when it comes to information. So much of what I believed growing up has turned out to either be false or at least outdated. … Continue reading

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Humans Are Strange

Humans are strange and unpredictable. I could leave it at that, but, as usual, I have lots more to say. Here we go. So many humans bring drama, hostility, and other kinds of extreme negativity into a situation out of … Continue reading

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My Take on Rules

Although I do my best to avoid identifying with anything outside of myself, I still feel drawn to the Chaotic Good alignment. Whether fictional characters or real humans, I’ve always loved those who do the right thing even (or especially) … Continue reading

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Static and Dynamic Art

For a few years now, I’ve noticed that art can be put into two broad categories: static and dynamic. Static art is anything that exists fully on its own once it is finished, such as a painting or a sculpture. … Continue reading

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The Value of Variety

It’s always fascinating to watch someone who has dedicated a lifetime to one major pursuit. I’ve seen some incredible things from those who’ve given juggling, strength sports, magic, or any other activity the lion’s share of their effort. However, as … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures, Getting Along with Each Other, Inspirational People, Life Hacks, Personal Freedom, Self-Improvement, Swing Dancing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on The Value of Variety

Decisions and Consequences

The book Boundaries talks a lot about consequences. One of the points it makes that has stuck with me for several years now is that when you prevent someone from receiving their natural consequences, those consequences instead fall onto you. … Continue reading

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Stories and Interruptions

From what I’ve seen, it’s getting harder and harder to find good storytelling. This is not caused by a lack of good storytellers. There are plenty of excellent storytellers who can keep others engaged for hours with all kinds of … Continue reading

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Frustration, Learning, and Teaching

I often feel frustrated when learning something new, especially when it’s extremely difficult. The trouble I’ve had handling frustration has caused me to quit a number of activities before I ever truly learned them. Over time, I’ve gotten better at … Continue reading

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4 Key Areas of Life

In many cases, getting a few key areas of life together can yield massive boosts in mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Unfortunately, none of these things are generally prioritized in modern society. One or two of them receive attention … Continue reading

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