Author Archives: admin


Is it acceptable to put another person at risk of harm without their permission? If so, what type of harm, what degree of risk, in what situations, how often, and why? If not, why not, and how might that force … Continue reading

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The Poetry of Language

Writing, as with everything else, is easiest when the mind is still and ideas are allowed to flow freely. A writing block I sometimes experience comes from trying to make it perfect on the first go. I can overcome this … Continue reading

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The Source of My Struggles

Serendipity has been my constant companion as of late. Most commonly, it’s appeared in the form of reminders about self-love. I’ve gotten this message more times than I can count over the years. Friends, employers, mentors, passages from books, and … Continue reading

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Take My Ideas, Please

I once heard economist David Friedman say something along the lines of “When you’re young, you’re afraid somebody will steal your ideas; when you’re old, you’re afraid nobody will”. Though I’m quite young, I still resonate with Friedman’s statement. That’s … Continue reading

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Black Swans and Unintended Consequences

Within the past few years, I learned of the term “black swans”. Black swans are things that never even cross your mind as possibilities until after they happen. The term came from back when all swans were thought to be … Continue reading

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More of My Thoughts on Celebrating Victories

A few years ago, I wrote a post on the importance of celebrating your victories. I’ve learned a lot since then and I’d like to share more of my thoughts in this post. In Letting Go, David Hawkins mainly talks … Continue reading

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The Hidden Blessing of Exhaustion

I’ve felt more exhausted, both physically and emotionally, over the past few months than I have in a long time. During that time, I’ve also had more personal growth than anytime I can remember since last year. I’ll explain why … Continue reading

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While I Still Have Time

For most of my life, I’ve had a feeling that I’d die young. Many writers have done so for various reasons. I think there’s a definite connection between writing and instability. Those who have good things to say see things … Continue reading

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A Profound Shift

I had a major breakthrough last Thursday. It all started with a song I’d heard many years ago on The Brady Bunch called “Til I Met You”. I found the song last week on YouTube and listened to it a … Continue reading

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Something I’ve learned from Taoism is that seemingly opposing concepts or forces are actually two halves of the whole. Without day, there’d be no night. Without the back side of a coin, there’d be no front side. As I progress … Continue reading

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