Tag Archives: understanding

Logical Fallacies and Other Conversation Stoppers

This is a short list of things that bring conversations to a halt and tend to turn them into hostile exchanges. While this is not an exhaustive list, it is a list of issues I frequently see and which frustrate … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “If You Want to Learn, Be Humble”

I needed this reminder from The Daily Stoic. Whenever I start thinking I know more than I do, almost inevitably something happens that reminds me how much I don’t know. Usually the reminders are gentle but sometimes they are harsh. … Continue reading

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The Modern Rosetta Stone

The Rosetta Stone was a monumental discovery. It allowed for the translation of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and allowed modern researchers to understand things long thought lost to history. This opened a flow of information about an ancient civilization that would … Continue reading

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A Powerful Empathy Exercise

You understand your reasons behind many of the things you do, including the outcomes that you hope will unfold. However, you don’t always know or understand those things in someone else, so it can be easy to assume the worst … Continue reading

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Half the Battle

The first few days of this week were pretty rough for me and I was super tired by Tuesday night. I talked to a few friends before going to bed and they both gave me a lot of good things … Continue reading

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Responsibility in Communication

Perspectives vary greatly from one person to the next on where the responsibility rests in messaging and communication. Some people put the responsibility on the shoulders of the messenger. They say that the messenger must craft a message in a … Continue reading

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Bubbles and the Inner World

Even though we all live in the same outer world, everyone still lives in their own inner world; everyone has their own little bubble, if you like. That inner world is shaped by the way they’re wired, their experiences growing … Continue reading

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Sadhguru and Recent Realizations

I had a few major realizations while listening to this Sadhguru video on my way home from work today. The first one had to do with the frustration and even anger that I frequently feel during rush hour. In addition … Continue reading

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Separation and Oneness

Sometimes I get disheartened by the small acts of cruelty or indifference that I see on a regular basis. Whether it’s drivers cutting each other off or not letting each other merge, customers being rude to servers, people who consistently … Continue reading

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4 Books Everyone Should Read Right Now

Things seem to be getting crazier out there, or maybe it’s just me. I try to stay out of the worst of it as much as I can but I feel that I should say something about it. Thinking about … Continue reading

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