Tag Archives: understanding

The Poetry of Language

Writing, as with everything else, is easiest when the mind is still and ideas are allowed to flow freely. A writing block I sometimes experience comes from trying to make it perfect on the first go. I can overcome this … Continue reading

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The Blind Men and the Elephant

I’ve loved this story for many years now. This particular version came from the Peace Corps website. All the versions I’ve read show the trouble of trying to understanding something while only having one piece of the puzzle. It’s a … Continue reading

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The Middle Way

What happens if two people have apparently conflicting ideas or plans? In many cases nowadays, the result is verbal sparring and possibly even a violent altercation. When the conflict ends, they are further apart than they were before it started, … Continue reading

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Concepts and Systems

It’s so easy to fall into the trap of concepts. Concepts themselves aren’t inherently bad and can even be helpful by giving us a simple starting point for some incredibly complicated subjects. However, it’s really easy to start putting anything … Continue reading

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Review of Nonviolent Communication

Nonviolent Communication is my new favorite communication book; Crucial Conversations, my previous favorite, is now a close second. The late Marshall Rosenberg discusses a lot of stuff that I’ve read elsewhere; I liked that because repetition helps me remember to … Continue reading

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Review of Crucial Conversations

Crucial Conversations is my favorite book on communication. I just finished reading it a few weeks ago and it absolutely blew me away. It contains the combined wisdom of authors Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler, and the … Continue reading

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Review of Talking to Strangers

Talking to Strangers is an intriguing book about communication by Malcolm Gladwell. Along with the two other books of his that I’ve read, this one is engaging, thorough, captivating, and easy to read. Gladwell once again discusses complicated ideas in … Continue reading

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How to Step Outside of Ideologies

I’ve spent a lot of time trying to back away from ideologies, both the ones that I grew up with and the ones I adopted on my own. I don’t know if I’m completely free from them now but they … Continue reading

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Be Careful

Be careful what you decide you know about other people. It’s easy to look at someone through a particular lens and think that you understand them fully. But do you truly know someone else’s intentions? Can you always determine their … Continue reading

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Being the Rubber Duck

I’ve decided to stop giving personal advice unless someone specifically asks for it. I was thinking about this at work recently. Some computer programmers keep a rubber duck on their desk. If they get stuck when they’re working on a … Continue reading

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