Tag Archives: thoughts

Inviting Mara to Tea

I remember reading a story from Tara Brach in Tools of Titans about how the Buddha dealt with Mara. In the story, Mara was a demon that tried to torment the Buddha by creating situations intended to cause him feelings … Continue reading

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Early one morning, I woke up and started thinking about something scary. I was still half asleep and had no idea what time it was, but I think it was hours before my alarm went off. As my thoughts kept … Continue reading

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Meditating Through the Simple Tasks

Contrary to how it’s often portrayed, meditation doesn’t necessarily involve sitting in a specific position with your eyes closed. You can meditate almost anytime during the day, especially when you’re doing something that requires little to no thought. Since I … Continue reading

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What’s the Rush?

How many people do you know who are always rushing around, never stopping to catch their breath or smell the flowers? For them, the present is an obstacle preventing them from getting to some point in the future where they’d … Continue reading

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Review of Thinking, Fast and Slow

Last night, I finished reading Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. The book is intended to reveal many of our cognitive shortcomings and show that our intuitions can often be incorrect even when they initially appear correct. Kahneman illustrates … Continue reading

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Watching My Thoughts

There is a meditative technique that I learned about from The Power of Now and several other places. It involves “watching” my thoughts instead of getting stuck in them. This took me a long time to understand and be able … Continue reading

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Exploring My Rules: Don’t Think Too Much

The moment has arrived, for this is the final post in the series about my rules. I hope you’ve found this series interesting and useful. It’s forced me to think through some of my ideas and rules more fully than … Continue reading

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Leveling Up

We’re all on one type of level in life. It’s not ultimately determined by age, income, societal status, etc. It comes down to what we do with what we’ve been given. How much self-improvement work you do determines whether you … Continue reading

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Why I Love Cold Showers

I’ve mentioned that I recently started taking cold showers in a few previous posts, but I haven’t talked much about them. Now that I’ve been taking them for a few weeks, I’ve noticed some things that I’d like to talk … Continue reading

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Zoom Out

Sometimes my thoughts are overwhelming, especially when they’re negative. The unceasing torrent of thought can surround me and make me feel like I’m drowning. This doesn’t happen all the time or even as much as it used to, but it … Continue reading

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