Tag Archives: The Power of Now

How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s is coming up soon and with it come New Year’s resolutions. Many people make them but most fail to follow them for more than a month or two at most. I think I have some ideas as to … Continue reading

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Healing Past Pain

I want to talk about healing past pain. By this, I mean bringing to mind previous experiences that have left some sense of frustration, anger, sadness, or other sense of feeling hurt and doing what it takes to be free … Continue reading

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Combating Jealousy

Although I try to avoid it, I find myself getting jealous once in a while. Jealous at those with more time and money to do the things they love, jealous of people who are further down the road of self-improvement … Continue reading

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An Ounce of Prevention

You may have heard the saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” It simply means that it’s better to consistently maintain something than let it lapse and then try to get it back to where it … Continue reading

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I’ve seen a lot of divisive stuff online lately. I’m not going to say what it is but I think you know to what I’m referring. For this blog post, I’m going to focus on things that unite us and … Continue reading

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Holding Space

For most of my life, I’ve habitually agreed with other people even if I didn’t actually hold their perspective. I tended to do this especially when they were being negative, probably because I didn’t want to become a target for … Continue reading

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I’ve learned a lot over the past year, especially in the area of self-improvement. If I could sum it all up in one simple phrase, it would be this: mindset is everything. There are a lot of different life hacks … Continue reading

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My Rules

There are several rules I do my best to follow. Some of them are in line with my concept of morality and others are simply useful in everyday life. I sometimes break them because I’m fallible, but I mostly abide … Continue reading

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Doormats and Bulldozers: The Art of Balanced Communication

Interesting title, right? That’s the best way I could think to describe my two tendencies in difficult situations. I’m naturally a very agreeable person, which means I tend to be deferential and avoid drama in conversations. If I get pushed … Continue reading

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Negative Thinking

If you found that a particular food made you sick, would it be better to keep eating that food and manage your symptoms or stop eating that food? The answer is clear, simple, and easy in this example, but that’s … Continue reading

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