Tag Archives: The Four Agreements

Daily Self-Care

One of my favorite chapters in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is the one that encourages us to Sharpen the Saw. This involves taking it slow for a while, making sure we get plenty of rest, and temporarily … Continue reading

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Infinity Stones and Life Hacks

Many of the recent Marvel movies feature Infinity Stones, which are six cosmic objects that each control a certain aspect of the universe (space, time, souls, minds, power, and reality). Each individual Stone is already incredibly powerful on its own … Continue reading

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My Best Life Hacks

I’ve written a lot about life hacks and I decided to make a post of the best ones I use on a regular basis. This post can double as a quick-reference guide that anyone can use as needed and a … Continue reading

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My Take on Freedom

In George Orwell’s chilling book 1984, the characters live under a totalitarian government called Big Brother. Big Brother watches everyone all the time, listens in on their conversations, and controls all the information they see. Beyond that, it doesn’t even … Continue reading

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Now What?

“Ok, now what?” That’s what I often find myself asking when I finish listening to something that’s full of motivation but devoid of direction. I believe motivation is important for working regularly at something, but I also believe that having … Continue reading

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Always Do Your Best

The final agreement Don Miguel Ruiz covers in The Four Agreements is “Always Do Your Best”. Like the other agreements, this is one I try to follow even though I don’t always succeed, but an occasional reminder helps get me … Continue reading

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5 Books That Will Help You Succeed This Year

Happy New Year! I hope you all had fun and safe celebrations last night. Since we’ve officially enter 2019 now, I thought I would dedicate my first post of the year to a subject I’ve talked about quite a bit … Continue reading

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How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s is coming up soon and with it come New Year’s resolutions. Many people make them but most fail to follow them for more than a month or two at most. I think I have some ideas as to … Continue reading

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Don’t Make Assumptions

Time to revisit The Four Agreements. This time, we’re looking at the third agreement: “Don’t Make Assumptions”. Don Miguel Ruiz talks about how easy it is to make assumptions and how real they appear to be, even when they’re completely … Continue reading

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Combating Jealousy

Although I try to avoid it, I find myself getting jealous once in a while. Jealous at those with more time and money to do the things they love, jealous of people who are further down the road of self-improvement … Continue reading

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