Tag Archives: support

An Unforgettable High School Experience

I recently started reminiscing about an experience in high school that I’ll never forget. The event I’m about to describe brought everyone closer together through genuineness and love. While I don’t remember all the details because of how long ago … Continue reading

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How Sawyer Comforted Me

My dog Sawyer comforted me better than any other animal or human I’ve ever met. Since I lost him nearly a year ago, I’ve had to get better at comforting myself effectively. Fortunately, I learned a lot about how to … Continue reading

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What to Say When Someone Loses a Pet

Last week, I covered some things not to say when someone loses a pet. It’s only fitting for this week’s post to cover what to say when a pet dies. In addition to the suggestions below, I highly recommend checking … Continue reading

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Helpful Responses

Last week, I covered several kinds of responses that make things worse when someone is struggling. Today, I’ll look at a variety of helpful responses, several of which have been invaluable in my healing journey after losing my dog Sawyer … Continue reading

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Unhelpful Responses

Although there has been a huge surge of interest in psychology and healing, there has also been an influx of unhelpful responses. These can range from making things slightly worse to downright destroying somebody. Since the problem must first be … Continue reading

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The Healing Power of Animals

I’ve long known how healing animals can be. My dog Sawyer always made me feel better, no matter what sickness, injury, or emotional challenge I faced. Losing him was a massive blow in so many ways, especially in the healing … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures, Getting Along with Each Other, Inspirational People, Life Hacks, Personal Freedom, Self-Improvement | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

The Difficulty of Giving Good Advice

At this point, I’m more cautious about giving advice than I’ve ever been before. This doesn’t meant that I never give advice. I’m happy to offer advice if someone asks for it and I can be of help to them. … Continue reading

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When we feel so alone, Thank goodness for those who make us feel seen and appreciated. When we’re “expected” to act a certain way, Thank goodness for those who let us act how we feel. When we can’t properly express … Continue reading

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True Communities

Nowadays, it’s possible to live without ever really getting to know anyone. Some people do this intentionally by making it a point to keep to themselves, but others can fall into this without even trying. Long gone are the days … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures, Getting Along with Each Other, Humanitarian Things, Inspirational People, Personal Freedom, Swing Dancing | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on True Communities