Tag Archives: shower

Working Through Tough Times

Whenever I go through a rough time, I try to observe my reaction to it and adjust my actions accordingly. If I start getting bogged down in misery and negativity, then I’ll make extra efforts to do things that I … Continue reading

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My Daytime Routine

Recently, I noticed I’ve developed a new routine during the day. This routine allows me to get a lot of stuff I need to do and want to do completed in my waking hours, makes my days feel longer, and … Continue reading

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Why I Love Cold Showers

I’ve mentioned that I recently started taking cold showers in a few previous posts, but I haven’t talked much about them. Now that I’ve been taking them for a few weeks, I’ve noticed some things that I’d like to talk … Continue reading

Posted in Getting Along with Each Other, Life Hacks, Personal Freedom, Self-Improvement | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Why I Love Cold Showers

The Power of the Shower

I routinely experience writer’s block and have trouble completing blog posts. Trying to force the ideas to flow only makes them harder to obtain. I find that my best ideas tend to come when I’m relaxed and not thinking much; … Continue reading

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