Tag Archives: negativity

Negative Thinking

If you found that a particular food made you sick, would it be better to keep eating that food and manage your symptoms or stop eating that food? The answer is clear, simple, and easy in this example, but that’s … Continue reading

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Giving Others the Benefit of the Doubt

I try to keep my actions consistent with my words, but I’ve struggled with that for most of my life. Too often, I’ve talked about the importance of kindness and then done something that’s incredibly mean or otherwise unkind. Something … Continue reading

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I’m generally optimistic. While I’ve had plenty of moments of pessimism and negativity in my life, overall I’ve maintained a mindset that things will get better and work out in the end. I don’t know why that’s largely been my … Continue reading

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My Morning Routine

Most people have a morning routine, whether they consciously realize it or not. Some routines work better than others for starting the day off on the right foot and I’ve found one that works well for me. Skipping this routine … Continue reading

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Every year around my birthday, I think about where I was on previous birthdays. Not just the physical location, but also my place in life, including things like my mindset, my finances, and my thoughts about the future. This year, … Continue reading

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Life Hacks for Managing Negative Thoughts and Emotions

Almost everyone deals with negative thoughts and emotions. I still do at times, but not nearly as frequently as I used to do. I’ve learned a lot of life hacks from books like The Power of Now, The Power of … Continue reading

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