Tag Archives: motivation

My Pursuit of Meaning

Meaning is a lot more powerful and more important than pleasure. All kinds of pleasure are really only temporary sensations. Even if some forms of pleasure last a long time, they all will run out eventually. Further, even when they’re … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures, Getting Along with Each Other, Great Books, Inspirational People, Life Hacks, Personal Freedom, Self-Improvement | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Juggling Memories

It’s amazing how memories can come flooding back at the most unexpected times. Earlier this week, I watched this YouTube video of world-class juggler Vova Galchenko. I was immediately transported back to 2009, which is when I first watched that … Continue reading

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Treasures and Trials

I’ve heard that when you get close to something you’ve wanted and worked toward for a long time, you’re met with a series of challenges and obstacles. Sometimes these also come after you get what you wanted. You might start … Continue reading

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Now What?

“Ok, now what?” That’s what I often find myself asking when I finish listening to something that’s full of motivation but devoid of direction. I believe motivation is important for working regularly at something, but I also believe that having … Continue reading

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Small Victories

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve loved playing with LEGO sets. Most of the LEGO sets I’ve had have been pretty simple, but a few of them have been more complex. This caused me no despair, however, as I … Continue reading

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How I Do Things I Don’t Want to Do

That may seem like a strange title, so I’ll explain what I mean by it. There are many times each day in which I have trouble finding the motivation to do things that I know are beneficial. Something that I’ve … Continue reading

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My Biggest Moment of Serendipity This Year

I started off this year with a great sense of optimism and peace, but little to no direction. That all changed on one of my days off when I decided to start organizing my room. Having tried in the past to … Continue reading

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