Tag Archives: love

March 2022

March was my favorite month this year. It contained several great things and hardly any painful things. Here’s an overview of it. Three wonderful things happened in quick succession. The first one came on the tail end of a painful … Continue reading

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Sawyer Moments

I keep a list of wonderful memories of my dog Sawyer. I call it Sawyer Moments, started it about a month before Sawyer’s death, and add to it each day. Updating it and occasionally reading through it have been very … Continue reading

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An Important Reminder

Me: “Sawyer?” Sawyer: “Yeah?” Me: “I don’t understand humans. So much hostility, fighting, hatred, and cruelty. Dogs might have an occasional spat but nothing like what goes on between so many humans. Why don’t they get it? Why are humans … Continue reading

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2018: My Favorite Year

Of all the years I’ve lived, 2018 was by far my favorite year and the best year of my life. I’ve thought this for many years now, including during 2018 itself. Although it contained some troubles, 2018 was mostly a … Continue reading

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Healing Deep Trauma

I still have a lot of pain from being mocked, shamed, guilted, yelled at, hit, intimidated, and otherwise punished, hurt, and traumatized when I felt afraid and asked for help early in life. Even now, that often leads to me … Continue reading

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Review of A Grief Observed

A Grief Observed is a short book by CS Lewis. Despite its brevity, it covers much of Lewis’s journey through his grief over the death of his wife, Joy Davidman, whom he calls H in the book. There’s lots of … Continue reading

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My Take on Endings

From November 2019 until November 2020, Mark Fischbach and Ethan Nestor-Darling hosted a YouTube channel called Unus Annus. They put up at least one video every day for a year and then deleted the channel. This was their plan from … Continue reading

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Never Enough Time

My life with my dog Sawyer went by way, way, way too fast. Even though I had him for 11 of his 12 years, it seemed like we’d just said our first hello before the time came for our final … Continue reading

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Thank you Sawyer

Thank you Sawyer. Thank you for being so cute, adorable, fluffy, playful, genuine, loving, and lovable. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. Thank you for loving me even when I hated myself. Thank you for inspiring so much of my … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures, Getting Along with Each Other, Humanitarian Things, Inspirational People, Life Hacks, Personal Freedom, Self-Improvement | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Another Poem for Sawyer

Sawyer my friend, we had so much fun Since I first gotcha when you were a puppy of one Time flew by way, way too fast Even when I tried to make it last Our days were all numbered right … Continue reading

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