Tag Archives: inspiration

Be a Seeker

Perhaps the one thing that has done the most for my personal growth has been my tireless search for knowledge, truth, and life hacks. Being a seeker has pointed me toward countless wonderful resources for improving myself in ways I … Continue reading

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Juggling Memories

It’s amazing how memories can come flooding back at the most unexpected times. Earlier this week, I watched this YouTube video of world-class juggler Vova Galchenko. I was immediately transported back to 2009, which is when I first watched that … Continue reading

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Lights in the World

Here’s to everyone who looks at the state of the world and does their best to improve it. They could have shrugged their shoulders and walked away to live simple, easy lives. But they didn’t. They chose to stick it … Continue reading

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Overcoming Writer’s Block

I frequently have difficulty coming up with new ideas for blog posts. Putting up a new post every day was easy for a while since I had lots of ideas clamoring to get out of my head, but now that … Continue reading

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Review of Start With Why

Simon Sinek’s Start With Why is one of the best books I’ve read this year. Sinek does a great job discussing leadership, communication, efficiency, and other related subjects. He covers a lot of ground and does so in a memorable, … Continue reading

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“The Star Thrower”

This short story was adapted from “The Star Thrower” by Loren Eiseley. I enjoy many short stories, especially inspirational ones, and this is one of my favorites. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.  Once upon a … Continue reading

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The Power of the Shower

I routinely experience writer’s block and have trouble completing blog posts. Trying to force the ideas to flow only makes them harder to obtain. I find that my best ideas tend to come when I’m relaxed and not thinking much; … Continue reading

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My Writing Process

I’ve written before about my love of writing and I thought I’d share my writing process in this blog post. While I said “writing process“, I suppose it would be more accurate to say “processes” as I have a few different methods for … Continue reading

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Tribute to Walt Disney

There are a handful of people who have inspired me more than anyone else. Walt Disney is close to the top of my list, and this post will explain why. Disney was born into a poor family in Missouri and … Continue reading

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