Tag Archives: How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big

Better Than Nothing

I’m usually pretty driven when it comes to completing my daily routines. Even when my schedule is tight, I still manage more often than not to get everything done. But I occasionally have days in which I just feel off … Continue reading

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A Neat Framing Trick

I’ve learned a lot of great life hacks from How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big by Scott Adams. One of them, a framing trick, involves focusing on positive things to do instead of negative things to … Continue reading

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Celebrating Victories

I’ve written before about how winning a lot of small victories paves the way for winning big victories later on. However, finding the motivation to continue through challenging times can be hard even with small tasks. Something I’ve found helpful … Continue reading

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“Jack of All Trades”

“Jack of all trades, master of none” is a fairly well-known quote. It’s intended to caution people against trying to learn a lot of different skills and instead focus on becoming great at one thing. However, while I think it … Continue reading

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I’ve learned a lot over the past year, especially in the area of self-improvement. If I could sum it all up in one simple phrase, it would be this: mindset is everything. There are a lot of different life hacks … Continue reading

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Review of How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big

Scott Adams, best known for creating the popular Dilbert comic strip, wrote a book several years ago called How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big. In the book, Adams goes through his life story and lays out the strategies … Continue reading

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A Few of My Favorite Books

Those of you who’ve followed my blog for a while know how much I love to read. I’ve talked about a lot of books in my posts but I haven’t dedicated a post to the books that have stuck out … Continue reading

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Life Hacks for Managing Negative Thoughts and Emotions

Almost everyone deals with negative thoughts and emotions. I still do at times, but not nearly as frequently as I used to do. I’ve learned a lot of life hacks from books like The Power of Now, The Power of … Continue reading

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Life Hacks

You may have noticed that several of my posts have been placed into a category called “Life Hacks”. This is a term I’ve heard used to describe better methods of doing everyday activities or alternate uses for common objects. I … Continue reading

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