Tag Archives: Don Miguel Ruiz

Daily Self-Care

One of my favorite chapters in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is the one that encourages us to Sharpen the Saw. This involves taking it slow for a while, making sure we get plenty of rest, and temporarily … Continue reading

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My Take on Freedom

In George Orwell’s chilling book 1984, the characters live under a totalitarian government called Big Brother. Big Brother watches everyone all the time, listens in on their conversations, and controls all the information they see. Beyond that, it doesn’t even … Continue reading

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Always Do Your Best

The final agreement Don Miguel Ruiz covers in The Four Agreements is “Always Do Your Best”. Like the other agreements, this is one I try to follow even though I don’t always succeed, but an occasional reminder helps get me … Continue reading

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5 Books That Will Help You Succeed This Year

Happy New Year! I hope you all had fun and safe celebrations last night. Since we’ve officially enter 2019 now, I thought I would dedicate my first post of the year to a subject I’ve talked about quite a bit … Continue reading

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Don’t Make Assumptions

Time to revisit The Four Agreements. This time, we’re looking at the third agreement: “Don’t Make Assumptions”. Don Miguel Ruiz talks about how easy it is to make assumptions and how real they appear to be, even when they’re completely … Continue reading

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Don’t Take Anything Personally

The second agreement Don Miguel Ruiz covers in The Four Agreements is “Don’t Take Anything Personally”. Like the other agreements, this one is simple to explain, difficult to practice, and powerful in its effects.  Ruiz says that whatever someone else … Continue reading

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Be Impeccable with Your Word

In The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz explores several different “agreements” that, when practiced, will bring us great personal freedom and peace. The first agreement is “Be Impeccable with Your Word”. This includes avoiding gossip, speaking the truth, being straightforward, … Continue reading

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A Few of My Favorite Books

Those of you who’ve followed my blog for a while know how much I love to read. I’ve talked about a lot of books in my posts but I haven’t dedicated a post to the books that have stuck out … Continue reading

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Review of The Four Agreements

I believe that having the right mindset is essential for living a full, free life, and reading The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz has helped my mindset a lot.  The agreements in the book are “Be Impeccable with Your Word”, … Continue reading

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