Tag Archives: Consistency

Why I Love Routines

This past weekend was weird. Each day featured something upsetting, whether big or small. Since there were plenty of good things surrounding the upsetting things, it turned out to be an ok weekend. Still, it reminded me of the critically … Continue reading

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It’s Simple

I’m a simple man I strive for consistency and am full of contradictions I want to live simply in a small town, travel around the US in a camper van, get a home in the country, and live in the … Continue reading

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My 2019 Highlights

This past year would be difficult to describe in a few words or even in one blog post. I could spend ages talking about how 2019 affected me. Instead, I’ll just mention some of the highlights of my year in … Continue reading

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Emotions and Logic: A Perfect Match

Where’s the logic in a piece of art that makes your heart soar, whether it’s a song, book, movie, painting, sculpture, performance, or any other kind of art? There is no logic there. Art isn’t supposed to be logical; it’s … Continue reading

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Some of My Contradictions

These are some of the contradictions I’ve noticed within myself. I don’t fault myself for having these contradictions. As far as I can tell, everyone has some inconsistencies, so that may just be part of the human experience. Maybe it’s … Continue reading

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Some of My Thoughts on Discipline

I’ve been thinking about discipline lately and the way I see it, discipline has to come from within. You might be able to force someone to do something but once you’re no longer around, will they keep doing it? If … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “Set the Standards and Use Them”

Sometimes The Daily Stoic gives me exactly what I need right when I need it. This entry did just that. I’ve been having a hard time lately sticking to my own values and that’s been weighing heavily on my mind. … Continue reading

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Better Than Nothing

I’m usually pretty driven when it comes to completing my daily routines. Even when my schedule is tight, I still manage more often than not to get everything done. But I occasionally have days in which I just feel off … Continue reading

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It Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect

I try to maintain some consistency with the look and feel of this blog. For example, when I’m posting something from The Daily Stoic, I’ll pull up previous posts from that book so I can keep the same format. However, … Continue reading

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Who do you think will become better at any given skill: someone who has a natural talent for that skill but hardly ever practices it or someone who has no natural talent for it but practices it every day? Except … Continue reading

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