Tag Archives: consequences

Decisions and Consequences

The book Boundaries talks a lot about consequences. One of the points it makes that has stuck with me for several years now is that when you prevent someone from receiving their natural consequences, those consequences instead fall onto you. … Continue reading

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Is it acceptable to put another person at risk of harm without their permission? If so, what type of harm, what degree of risk, in what situations, how often, and why? If not, why not, and how might that force … Continue reading

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Black Swans and Unintended Consequences

Within the past few years, I learned of the term “black swans”. Black swans are things that never even cross your mind as possibilities until after they happen. The term came from back when all swans were thought to be … Continue reading

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Separation and Oneness

Sometimes I get disheartened by the small acts of cruelty or indifference that I see on a regular basis. Whether it’s drivers cutting each other off or not letting each other merge, customers being rude to servers, people who consistently … Continue reading

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Unintended Consequences

There are consequences for everything you decide to do (and everything you refrain from doing). Some of those consequences are unintended and can’t be easily foreseen or protected against. People may react differently to your proposal than you thought they … Continue reading

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Some of My Thoughts on Discipline

I’ve been thinking about discipline lately and the way I see it, discipline has to come from within. You might be able to force someone to do something but once you’re no longer around, will they keep doing it? If … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “What’s on Your Tombstone?”

I always enjoy finding places where two or more books I’ve read overlap. This entry from The Daily Stoic fits together nicely with Stephen Covey’s recommendation in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to begin with the end in … Continue reading

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In Boundaries, Henry Cloud and John Townsend talk a lot about consequences as a way to learn. Much of what they explore in the book has to do with the negative effects that arise when people don’t experience the consequences … Continue reading

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Accepting My Past Self

When I think about things in my life that I either regret doing or wish I had done, I tend to be quite hard on myself. I often think (and sometimes even say) that I used to be a terrible … Continue reading

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