Changing My Gym Routine

Recently, I decided to overhaul my gym routine. I had been pushing myself too hard and too fast at the gym for too long and my progress had ground to a halt. While I’m still focusing on the same exercises, I’m backing off quite a bit in the intensity. That, in addition to changing my gym days so that I’d have more time to work out, means that I’ve missed a lot of workouts lately. I went to the gym today just to get back in the habit of going their regularly and to burn off some extra energy to help me sleep better.

I’m doing way less weight for many more reps than I did before, so my gym trips hardly feel like a workout at this point. But I know from experience, both in the gym and elsewhere in life, that sometimes I have to take several steps backward before I can begin to take even a few small steps forward. As I get used to doing more reps with the lighter weight, I’ll steadily increase the intensity in the hopes of bursting through my previous sticking points in the coming months.

Since I first started going to the gym in 2014, I’ve made a ton of mistakes and learned a lot from them. Earlier this year, I learned how to keep myself on a consistent gym schedule even after coming back from trips or on days in which I didn’t feel like working out. Something else that I learned years ago is that whenever I get impatient and try to progress too quickly, I always end up stalling and having to make major resets. I hope I’ve experienced that lesson enough at this point to find a good gym routine and stick with it so that I can gradually get stronger instead of going up and down in strength like I’ve done for years now. I always do better when I patiently stick to a solid routine at my job, at home, and everywhere else in my life, so I’m looking forward to trying this out at the gym and seeing what it does for me.

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Separation and Oneness

Sometimes I get disheartened by the small acts of cruelty or indifference that I see on a regular basis. Whether it’s drivers cutting each other off or not letting each other merge, customers being rude to servers, people who consistently show up late to their appointments, or shoppers who leave their carts all over the parking lot and make employees retrieve them because they don’t feel like putting them back, this stuff can wear me down if I dwell on it. I see all of that as stemming from the feeling of separateness that is so common in many cultures. That feeling makes it easier for people to be cruel to one another, either by directly harming somebody else or ignoring them when they need help.

When people feel separate from each other, it makes them less likely to care about the consequences of their actions, such as making others late for important events, making life even harder for those who are already going through a difficult time, and generally causing problems instead of making things run smoothly. Every time they run roughshod over others without facing any consequences for doing so, they are incentivized to continue acting in this manner. Not surprisingly, the people who act this way appear to be miserable. While they may think that their actions don’t come back to haunt them, they are actually harming themselves by being cruel and indifferent to others. In addition to building up negativity energy within themselves, they’re also programming themselves to think, act, and speak in particular ways and to expect that same behavior from other people. Accordingly, they go out expecting to find problems, find them everywhere, react negatively, and repeat this cycle indefinitely, causing pain to themselves and those around them with each iteration.

I think the solution to this is to cultivate a feeling of oneness by reminding ourselves what we all share: we all can and do suffer, we’re all spiritual beings having a human experience, and we all want to feel whole. Further, I think we’d all benefit from having more meaningful interactions with each other through mutual aid, charitable outreach, outdoor festivals and social gatherings, and other similar chances to form solid bonds. That could go a long way to bring down many of the harmful societal walls that have been in place for generations. I’d also like to see major changes in society and culture that make clear how we all depend on each other; right now the fact of our interdependence is often hidden, much to the detriment of us all. Even though independence and self-sufficiency have their advantages, they can also force people into loneliness and isolation and make the ground fertile for strained relations and other kinds of social dysfunction. For now, just focusing on the things that unite us helps me treat others with more kindness and understanding, so that’s a good place to start. Take care, everyone.

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Lessons from Sleeping In

Yesterday turned out quite differently than I thought it would. Although I set my alarm for 11 am, either it didn’t go off or I didn’t hear it and I ended up sleeping in until 1 pm. I was shocked when I saw the time; I got up right away and started doing some of my usual activities. I was frustrated at having much less time than I had anticipated and sulked for a bit. After breakfast, my mood leveled out and I continued accomplishing my tasks while also taking some time to relax and enjoy the day. I managed to get everything done, went out dancing, and then headed to bed.

Throughout yesterday and today, I got some insights about what happened. Since I’ve been feeling sick lately, I realized that I probably needed the extra sleep; I did feel refreshed when I woke up, so I think it helped. I think that having less time to do the stuff I had in mind made me more determined to make it count. Yesterday was a good reminder that it’s not how much time you have, it’s what you do with it that matters. And I still enjoyed having a day off of work and a good bit of time to myself to spend as I liked, so I’m content with how everything worked out.

One of the lessons I learned from yesterday was the importance of redundancy. I still don’t know what happened with my alarm yesterday so last night I set multiple alarms on my phone and one on the alarm clock on my dresser (that I hadn’t used in years) so I’d be sure to wake up in time for work. Sure enough, the first alarm on my phone woke me up and got my day off to a good start. Today was very different than yesterday but they both contained a lot of good stuff and I’m grateful for the quiet moments they gave me to reflect on what happened and find the valuable lessons they brought with them.

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The Daily Stoic: “Don’t Hide from Your Feelings”

Several entries in The Daily Stoic come across to me as dismissive of unwanted or difficult emotions but this one does not. This entry highlights the importance of feeling everything and working through it rather than trying to suppress or repress anything. I’ve focused a good bit on working through my thoughts, feelings, and emotions this year, so I loved reading this entry earlier today. I also like what it says about finding the positive as I think any situation can contain a valuable lesson, even the difficult ones. The only point of disagreement I have is the recommendation to immediately work through whatever you’re feeling. In some situations, I feel like I need a bit of time before I can appropriately address my emotions; sometimes immediate action feels too painful or counterproductive, so I’ll sit with myself for a bit until I’m in a better state of mind. Maybe I’ll need less of that later on in my journey, but for now, I always give myself that time when I feel I need it. Still, this is a solid entry from The Daily Stoic and one of my personal favorites that I’ve read thus far, and I hope it brings value to your life.

“It’s better to conquer grief than to deceive it.”

-Seneca, On Consolation to Helvia, 17.1b

We’ve all lost people we were close to – a friend, a colleague, a parent, a grandparent. While we were suffering from our grief, some well-meaning person did their best to take our mind off it or make us think about something else for a couple hours. However kind, these gestures are misguided.

The Stoics are stereotyped as suppressing their emotions, but their philosophy was actually intended to teach us to face, process, and deal with emotions immediately instead of running from them. Tempting as it is to deceive yourself or hide from a powerful emotion like grief – by telling yourself and other people that you’re fine – awareness and understanding are better. Distraction might be pleasant in the short term – by going to gladiatorial games, as a Roman might have done, for example. Focusing is better in the long term.

That means facing it now. Process and parse what you are feeling. Remove your expectations, your entitlements, your sense of having been wronged. Find the positive in the situation, but also sit with your pain and accept it, remembering that it is a part of life. That’s how one conquers grief.

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Stories and Dancing

Kurt Vonnegut has a fascinating lecture about the shapes of stories. He goes through several examples of the rises, falls, and good and bad fortune that characters in stories can experience before looking at a story that has a very different structure. Vonnegut uses Hamlet as an example of a story in which things happen without it being clear whether what happens is good or bad. Vonnegut claims that, unlike most other stories, Hamlet tells us the truth: we don’t know enough about life to be able to tell the good news from the bad news. However, he still maintains that we can (and should) notice when we’re happy and appreciate the nice things that we experience.

This reminds me of Alan Watt’s story of the Chinese farmer, which Watts uses to illustrate how we never know what the consequences of good fortune or bad fortune will be. That notion further connects to what Watts has said about life being like a dance; the purpose isn’t to get to a particular place on the dance floor but to enjoy every step along the way, and the same is true of life. So putting these ideas together would result in getting out of the stories that we all tell ourselves and enjoying the dance while it’s happening.

These concepts are fairly new to me so I’m still turning them over in my head. They’ve given me a lot of great stuff to think about and I’m sure I’ll get more out of them over time. For now, I’ve realized how much I look at my own life as a story with the typical rises, falls, and shapes that many stories have. I’ve also been thinking lately about how much my perceptions of life and the things I value in it have changed over time, which fits in nicely with what both Vonnegut and Watts say about good news and bad news. I’m going to try maintaining this perspective for a while and see what it does for me. If I can remember to do so, I’ll let you know what happens. Until next time, take care and enjoy the dance.

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Detachment and Stress

Sometimes I find it easier to detach from unwanted emotions when I’m in a bad mood. When everything has been going smoothly for me, I still sometimes start expecting things to start going downhill, which can make it difficult to enjoy the nice things in life. After a rough day or a few rough days, I start getting desensitized to the thought of my situation getting worse. In that state of mind, I usually think “This might turn out badly; I’ll cross that bridge if I come to it” and then forget about it until much later. It feels like I’ve used so much energy stressing over whatever’s already happened that I don’t have enough left to worry about what might happen. Oddly, that actually helps me avoid getting more stressed out once I’ve hit my limit, although the path leading up to that limit is still difficult and unpleasant. It’d be nice if I could figure out how to consistently detach in unpleasant situations without first going through a ton of stress.

I also typically remember to be present, practice breath work, and make use of other life hacks when I’m stressed. I can easily forget to use them when I’m feeling good and going through an easy season but I always remember to use them in difficult times. Although I’d probably be better off if I used them regularly and made them into habits, I’m glad that I use them when I need them the most.

This is one of those rare posts in which I don’t have any real take-home point or closing lesson. These are just a few things I’ve noticed in myself as of late and thought that someone else might resonate with them. Maybe my next post will be more like my usual ones with a strong point. Guess we’ll find out. Until then, I hope you’re doing well, I’m glad that I’m doing better than I was earlier this week, and I will see you next time.

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Be Yourself

Sometimes I wish I could be more like my role models. It’s easy to look at them and think that I’d be better capable of handling one or more aspects of my life if I had their patience, mindset, speaking ability, etc. However, when I look at somebody else, I only see a small fraction of who they are. I don’t see how they are when they’re alone, their inner thoughts, or anything else that they keep under lock and key. Even though some people seem to have it all figured out, everyone has some uncertainties and room for growth.

Further, I’m not here to be anybody else. I’m here to be myself and to fulfill my life purpose as only I can. Those who came before me focused on being who they were meant to be and now it’s my turn to do the same. I can still draw inspiration from Mister Rogers, Alan Watts, Jim Henson, and other people I admire, but I don’t want to lose sight of the things that make me unique and well-suited to turn my dreams into reality.

The people I admire most understand the importance of being yourself and loving yourself and keeping in mind the fact that you’re worthy of love just as you are. This is a big part of why I enjoy being around my closest friends and even consider some of them to be family: rather than trying to change me into somebody else, they accept me as I am and encourage me to do the same. I, in turn, do my best to treat others this way. The positive difference this makes in my interactions is clear when I manage to do it and it gets easier the more I practice it. I’m finding that the more I accept myself, the more comfortable other people feel being themselves around me. How would the world look if more people did this and gave others space to follow suit? Let’s find out.

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A Life Lesson from Time Travel Movies

One of the best posts I’ve ever seen online said that, thanks to time travel movies, lots of people are familiar with the idea that small changes in the past can radically change the present, but very few people think that small changes in the present can radically change their future. I saw that post right around the time I started getting my life together and it has guided my thinking ever since. And I’ve seen how it has worked to get me much closer to where I want to be in life, so this idea has passed the usefulness test with flying colors.

On the subject of time travel, sometimes I wonder what it’d be like to talk to my future self and see how I turn out. Then I recently started thinking about how my past self would feel if he could see where I’m at now. I think he’d be impressed with how far I’ve come, how well I’ve done with everything that life’s thrown at me, and how much small victories have done to get me where I’m at today. Additionally, I think he’d be in awe of how I’ve learned to manage and, in some cases, even overcome challenges that I’ve faced from a young age.

Knowing that I’ve come a long way from where I used to be and that I can go even further by getting the small details right is very encouraging. Sometimes it’s the only thing that gets me through a rough patch. What also helps is keeping in mind that my journey doesn’t have to be perfectly linear; as long as I’m moving in the right direction more often than not, a few bad days or difficult seasons aren’t going to spell doom. So the next time you’re feeling glum about where you’re at or where you think you’re going, remind yourself how far you’ve come and see what small changes you can make to get closer to where you want to be.

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Breaking My Social Media Addiction… Again

I’ve noticed that once I write a blog post, I sometimes forget what I wrote about, as if the information were hanging out in my memory just long enough for me to write about it. There have been a few occasions in which someone I know in person has mentioned liking something I mentioned in an older post and I’ll have to ask them what I said in it. This can give me some difficulty in remembering the lessons contained in certain posts or points of view I had about books I read a long time ago. A perfect example of this is the post I wrote earlier this year about my social media addiction.

For a while, I was able to stick to the stuff in that post and successfully avoided spending hours aimlessly surfing the internet. Soon enough, though, my old habits resurfaced and I was right back where I started. Things stayed pretty much the same for me until a few days ago. A friend worked with me on this and gave me some more good things to do instead of spending so much time online, such as catching up on reading some of my books, juggling, unicycling, and doing other things that feed my soul.

Since that conversation, I’ve been using guided meditations right before bed and shortly after waking up, prioritizing reading, and avoiding social media much more than I usually do. I’ve felt much more at peace than I usually do, each day feels slower and more enjoyable, and I’m finding it much easier to be productive now that I have a lot more free time. And staying away from social media has actually been easier than I thought it would be. I think part of that is because I’m feeling so good and I know that scrolling through an endless newsfeed is a great way to lose that good feeling, so the temptation to jump back on is easy to avoid. I’m feeling pretty good about my chances of continuing to limit my social media use going forward and, in the meantime, I’m just going to keep enjoying this good feeling and the increased productivity.

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The Daily Stoic: “You’re Going to Be Ok”

When I’m feeling stressed, I sometimes remind myself of the message from this entry from The Daily Stoic. However, I prefer to say “I’m ok” as framing it in the present tense helps calm me down and makes me see the situation more clearly. Plus if I’m upset, the last thing I want to do is think that I have to wait until some point in the future before I can feel better. Phrasing aside, this is a good reminder to focus on the present moment instead of dwelling on what happened in the past or fretting about what may happen in the future.

“Don’t lament this and don’t get agitated.”

-Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 7.43

There’s that feeling we get when something happens: It’s all over now. All is lost. What follows are complaints and pity and misery – the impotent struggle against something that’s already occurred.

Why bother? We have no idea what the future holds. We have no idea what’s coming up around the bend. It could be more problems, or this could be the darkness before the dawn.

If we’re Stoic, there is one thing we can be sure of: whatever happens, we’re going to be OK.

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