Category Archives: Uncategorized

My Lovely Walk

I went for a walk around my neighborhood last Saturday. By the time I set out, the rain had stopped and the sky was clear enough to see reflections of the setting sun and its wonderful colors on the clouds. … Continue reading

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Building up and Tearing Down

Anyone can criticize bad ideas and most people do so. Some people do this to the point that they’ll tear down anyone else’s ideas, even if they’re good. A lot of these people never put up anything themselves, though, since … Continue reading

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Recent Musings

Here are some things that have been on my mind lately. I hope this shows what it can be like to have so many conflicting, contradictory ideas (most of which I’ve picked up from sources other than myself) in my … Continue reading

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A Window Into My Head

It can start with anything: a word, a sound, a smell, a taste, a touch, a sight, a thought, an idea, a song, or anything else, really. Any one of those can spark a memory. That memory has all kinds … Continue reading

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April Fool’s Day: The Longest Joke in the World

It’s April Fool’s Day once again. I didn’t plan a blog post earlier and it’s late at night right now, so I’m just going to include a link to the world’s longest joke. Since it’s well over 10,000 words long, … Continue reading

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Leaving a Legacy

People who try to stay relevant by always talking about current events end up making themselves dated. They’re relevant for a while, sure, but if all they’re doing is focusing on current events, then what happens when those events are … Continue reading

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Quality Posts

It’s becoming increasingly more difficult for me to think of new blog posts. What’s been even more difficult lately is writing them; I have trouble with sitting down to work on posts as well as structuring them and finding the … Continue reading

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What Would It Cost

What would it cost To be innocent again and have no concept of cruelty? To be unaware of how much darkness is hiding beyond the light? To be free from the burden of misery that often comes with knowledge? Even … Continue reading

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Icebergs and Communication

No matter how big an iceberg appears to be, it is always bigger under the surface of the water. Someone who is looking just at what they can see above the water’s surface is only getting part of the picture, … Continue reading

Posted in Getting Along with Each Other, Great Books, Inspirational People, Life Hacks, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Icebergs and Communication

“Three Rolls and a Pretzel”

This is a short story written by Leo Tolstoy. I first read this when I was a little kid and it’s been stuck in my head ever since. I’ll share some of my thoughts on it afterward: Feeling hungry one … Continue reading

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