Category Archives: Self-Improvement

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson Joke

This is a funny little story about missing the obvious. It serves as an occasional reminder for me to keep things simple and avoid overthinking. I hope you get a chuckle out of it and maybe a bit of inspiration … Continue reading

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Inviting Mara to Tea

I remember reading a story from Tara Brach in Tools of Titans about how the Buddha dealt with Mara. In the story, Mara was a demon that tried to torment the Buddha by creating situations intended to cause him feelings … Continue reading

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Portable Life Hacks

I use a lot of life hacks on any given day, many of which involve doing something with my body. These are nice since I can do them anytime, anywhere, and I don’t need any equipment or technology to make … Continue reading

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In the past few years, I’ve seen the power of expectations. More specifically, I’ve seen how they can negatively affect my mood and turn something that might otherwise have been enjoyable into a disappointment. Some people might say that this … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “Love the Humble Art”

I read this entry from The Daily Stoic yesterday morning. It was a perfect followup to my previous post about juggling, so I knew I had to share it today. I’m fortunate to know a lot of talented people who … Continue reading

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Early one morning, I woke up and started thinking about something scary. I was still half asleep and had no idea what time it was, but I think it was hours before my alarm went off. As my thoughts kept … Continue reading

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Situations Beyond My Control

I had some major reminders and realizations yesterday. It started when I had to deliver bad news and let someone down, both of which I hate to do. This caused a bit of confrontation which, fortunately, was resolved shortly thereafter … Continue reading

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Golden Silence

On Thursday, my mindfulness buddy mentioned driving around in silence as a mindfulness exercise and asked if I’d ever tried it. I said no and then started realizing how uncomfortable I can feel in silence (outside of floating, that is). … Continue reading

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How Much Is Enough?

Ever since I started reading Walden, I’ve been thinking a lot about independence and self-sufficiency. The book covers the two years that Henry David Thoreau spent living in a cabin that he built himself near Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts. … Continue reading

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Meditating Through the Simple Tasks

Contrary to how it’s often portrayed, meditation doesn’t necessarily involve sitting in a specific position with your eyes closed. You can meditate almost anytime during the day, especially when you’re doing something that requires little to no thought. Since I … Continue reading

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