Category Archives: Self-Improvement

Picking up the Pieces

What happens when someone has built up a lot of bad habits for most of their life? In my case, I was able to get by until a few years ago. That’s when a series of painful events occurred and … Continue reading

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“Just for Today”

I found this set of intentions in a cutout from an old newspaper when I was cleaning my room yesterday. I’ve had it for years but didn’t think much of it until it resurfaced. As I read it, I knew … Continue reading

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Self-Reflection and Looking in the Mirror

One of the things I love the most about floating is that it often shows me what I can do better. Getting rid of all external distractions and resting in a calm, comfortable place where I feel safe makes me … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “The Start-Up of You”

This is a great reminder from The Daily Stoic to spend a bit of time each day improving ourselves. It’s important not only for our own well-being but also for the projects and ventures we undertake. All the self-improvement work … Continue reading

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Honesty and Straightforwardness

I’ve been in a lot of different circles in my life and have met at least a few dozen people in every one of them. As a result, I’ve had countless conversations about every subject under the sun. Something I’ve … Continue reading

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Avoiding Resistance

Years ago, I watched a show that discussed a man who survived being sucked into a tornado and then thrown onto the ground. This clip briefly mentions that his body was limp at the time of impact; this was because … Continue reading

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Listen to Your Body

The last two days were polar opposites for me. I worked on Thursday and felt terrible for many hours after my shift ended. In contrast, I had yesterday off and felt great for most of the day. What caused the … Continue reading

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Logical Shortcomings

In a past post, I talked about some things I’ve learned regarding to reason and rationality. Books such as The Righteous Mind, Thinking, Fast and Slow, and Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion have shown me just how irrational and unreasonable we … Continue reading

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Turning Points

Two days ago, I listened to this TED Talk from Greg Bryk on my way home from work. This was the second time I’d listened to it and the first time I’ve checked it out since I put some of … Continue reading

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Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson Joke

This is a funny little story about missing the obvious. It serves as an occasional reminder for me to keep things simple and avoid overthinking. I hope you get a chuckle out of it and maybe a bit of inspiration … Continue reading

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