Category Archives: Self-Improvement

Bubbles and the Inner World

Even though we all live in the same outer world, everyone still lives in their own inner world; everyone has their own little bubble, if you like. That inner world is shaped by the way they’re wired, their experiences growing … Continue reading

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Sadhguru and Recent Realizations

I had a few major realizations while listening to this Sadhguru video on my way home from work today. The first one had to do with the frustration and even anger that I frequently feel during rush hour. In addition … Continue reading

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Changing My Gym Routine

Recently, I decided to overhaul my gym routine. I had been pushing myself too hard and too fast at the gym for too long and my progress had ground to a halt. While I’m still focusing on the same exercises, … Continue reading

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Separation and Oneness

Sometimes I get disheartened by the small acts of cruelty or indifference that I see on a regular basis. Whether it’s drivers cutting each other off or not letting each other merge, customers being rude to servers, people who consistently … Continue reading

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Lessons from Sleeping In

Yesterday turned out quite differently than I thought it would. Although I set my alarm for 11 am, either it didn’t go off or I didn’t hear it and I ended up sleeping in until 1 pm. I was shocked … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “Don’t Hide from Your Feelings”

Several entries in The Daily Stoic come across to me as dismissive of unwanted or difficult emotions but this one does not. This entry highlights the importance of feeling everything and working through it rather than trying to suppress or … Continue reading

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Stories and Dancing

Kurt Vonnegut has a fascinating lecture about the shapes of stories. He goes through several examples of the rises, falls, and good and bad fortune that characters in stories can experience before looking at a story that has a very … Continue reading

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Detachment and Stress

Sometimes I find it easier to detach from unwanted emotions when I’m in a bad mood. When everything has been going smoothly for me, I still sometimes start expecting things to start going downhill, which can make it difficult to … Continue reading

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Be Yourself

Sometimes I wish I could be more like my role models. It’s easy to look at them and think that I’d be better capable of handling one or more aspects of my life if I had their patience, mindset, speaking … Continue reading

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A Life Lesson from Time Travel Movies

One of the best posts I’ve ever seen online said that, thanks to time travel movies, lots of people are familiar with the idea that small changes in the past can radically change the present, but very few people think … Continue reading

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