Category Archives: Personal Freedom

Resolving Contradictions

I’ve previously mentioned some of the contradictions in my own thinking that I’ve noticed as I’ve become more self-aware. Although I used to either ignore contradictions or try to rationalize them, I’m now working on trying to resolve them. This … Continue reading

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Review of Man’s Search for Meaning

Man’s Search for Meaning is a difficult, useful book. Difficult in that it describes Viktor Frankl’s experiences in concentration camps during the Holocaust and useful because it also includes the lessons he learned from those experiences. I knew what it … Continue reading

Posted in Communication, Getting Along with Each Other, Great Books, Humanitarian Things, Inspirational People, Life Hacks, Personal Freedom, Self-Improvement | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Review of Man’s Search for Meaning

Making the Unconscious Conscious

As I continue my self-improvement journey, I’m constantly learning more about the importance of making the unconscious conscious. By this I mean allowing unwanted thoughts, feelings, and emotions to rise to the surface rather than keeping them suppressed or repressed … Continue reading

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Solving Problems Instead of Managing Symptoms

One of the most memorable things I read in Never Split the Difference is Chris Voss’s point about focusing on the real problem in any situation. That problem isn’t you or anybody else involved in the situation; the real problem … Continue reading

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Some Realizations About Solving Problems

I had a few recent realizations about solving problems. Although I love helping other people and can point them in directions that might be beneficial to them, it’s important to show them respect by giving them space to solve their … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “Never Complain, Never Explain”

I agree to a certain extent with this entry from The Daily Stoic. Generally, complaining and making excuses merely compounds existing problems rather than solving them. In some cases, however, I’ve managed to find solutions through complaining, venting, or even … Continue reading

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Adjusting Expectations

Yesterday, I received a great reminder about the power of expectations. Someone at my job told me that negative emotions tend to arise when there’s a difference between one’s expectations and one’s situation. For example, if I’m driving during rush … Continue reading

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The Fork Theory

I recently learned of the Fork Theory through a post on social media. Earlier today, I found out that Jenrose originally posted about this brilliant concept in 2018. Although I also appreciate the Spoon Theory (linked below), I think the … Continue reading

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Some of My Contradictions

These are some of the contradictions I’ve noticed within myself. I don’t fault myself for having these contradictions. As far as I can tell, everyone has some inconsistencies, so that may just be part of the human experience. Maybe it’s … Continue reading

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4 Books Everyone Should Read Right Now

Things seem to be getting crazier out there, or maybe it’s just me. I try to stay out of the worst of it as much as I can but I feel that I should say something about it. Thinking about … Continue reading

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