Category Archives: Humanitarian Things


In Boundaries, Henry Cloud and John Townsend talk a lot about consequences as a way to learn. Much of what they explore in the book has to do with the negative effects that arise when people don’t experience the consequences … Continue reading

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A Strategy Based on Stephen Covey’s Ideas

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People contains so much wisdom and so many life hacks that I regularly refer back to it. Whenever I do, I always find something good that I had forgotten or never noticed before. I’ve … Continue reading

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Some More of My Plan

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about ways to make a positive difference in the world. In the process, I’ve devised, adjusted, and abandoned a lot of plans that I hope will create the changes that I want to … Continue reading

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The Law of Diffusion

In Start With Why, Simon Sinek talks about the Law of Diffusion, which explains how people react to something new. Those who are leading the way are called innovators, and they challenge the status quo and inspire people to think … Continue reading

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When Someone Acts Differently

Have you ever gotten to know someone fairly well and then seen them act in a way that seemed totally out of character for them? If so, you were probably shocked at their behavior and wondered if they’d changed or … Continue reading

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Overcoming Defeatist Thinking

I’ve never been good at accepting what I see as artificial limits that some people try to impose on others. This includes not seeing eye-to-eye with anyone who says that the world has always been like this and will always … Continue reading

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The Hero’s Path

Here’s to all the people who are working hard to improve themselves. Whatever they’re struggling with, they’re doing their best to overcome it and be the best possible version of themselves. They’re taking ownership of their dark side and controlling … Continue reading

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The Choice We All Have

Every day, we all have the choice to make the world a little bit better or a little bit worse. If we treat other people well, that makes them feel good and adds a little bit of positivity to everything … Continue reading

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The Great Awakening

This is an exciting time to be alive. More people are finding out that they don’t have to be slaves to their minds and are waking up out of deep suffering to see the beauty in life. What’s more, those … Continue reading

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Sharing Lessons from the Mountain

Although I’ve almost always held an optimistic view of the future, there are times where I felt all was lost and I wanted to escape and live in a secluded area for the rest of my days. There are people … Continue reading

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