Category Archives: Humanitarian Things

Review of Rain Man

Yesterday, I watched the movie Rain Man for the first time. I had been wanting to see it for a long time and I finally did. Although I had a rough idea of what it was about, I didn’t know … Continue reading

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Good Communication

Good communication is essential for modern life. Anything that takes more than one person to accomplishes requires everyone involved to communicate effectively with each other. Unfortunately, I regularly see one example after another of terrible communication, both online and in … Continue reading

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A Nice Sunday

Sundays are usually unpredictable for me. I used to always have a set Sunday routine, but my schedule has fluctuated almost constantly since I switched jobs. I happened to have had the day off work yesterday and got to spend … Continue reading

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True Communities

Nowadays, it’s possible to live without ever really getting to know anyone. Some people do this intentionally by making it a point to keep to themselves, but others can fall into this without even trying. Long gone are the days … Continue reading

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Lights in the World

Here’s to everyone who looks at the state of the world and does their best to improve it. They could have shrugged their shoulders and walked away to live simple, easy lives. But they didn’t. They chose to stick it … Continue reading

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Review of The King’s Speech

Yesterday, I watched The King’s Speech for the second time. The movie chronicles Prince Albert’s efforts to overcome his stammer as he ascends to the throne and becomes King George VI. This becomes particularly important once World War II begins … Continue reading

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Review of Island

Island is a wonderful book by Aldous Huxley. The story takes place on a Polynesian island called Pala whose inhabitants have figured out how to live peacefully, happily, and effectively. The book starts when Will Farnaby, an English journalist, wrecks … Continue reading

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300 Posts

This is my 300th blog post. I’m amazed at this for several reasons. First, I remember when I started my blog and hadn’t yet put up a single post. Sometimes that feels like ages ago and other times it feels … Continue reading

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Life Paths

There is so much pressure to follow a certain path in life. I see so many people who are burnt out, going through the motions, and doing things that other people want them to do instead of things that they … Continue reading

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Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

If you’ve read some of my other blog posts, you probably gathered that I’m an incredibly curious person. I’ve always loved learning new things, figuring things out, and trying to understand how the world works. There is so much that … Continue reading

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