Category Archives: Great Books

The Value of Comedy

Comedy is abundant in most societies. Funny TV shows, movies, videos, and books are all incredibly popular, and most people use one or more styles of humor in many areas of their lives. Why is that? The answer that most … Continue reading

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Review of Tools of Titans

Tools of Titans is a great book that contains a ton of useful information. Author Tim Ferriss interviewed over a hundred people with unusual life stories (athletes, health enthusiasts, business people, writers, actors, etc) to learn what they did to … Continue reading

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My Best Life Hacks

I’ve written a lot about life hacks and I decided to make a post of the best ones I use on a regular basis. This post can double as a quick-reference guide that anyone can use as needed and a … Continue reading

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This is Jocko Willink’s approach to challenging situations in life. I’ve seen clips from one of his appearances on Joe Rogan’s podcast and read about him in Tim Ferriss’s Tools of Titans, which is where I first saw this. It’s … Continue reading

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My Take on Freedom

In George Orwell’s chilling book 1984, the characters live under a totalitarian government called Big Brother. Big Brother watches everyone all the time, listens in on their conversations, and controls all the information they see. Beyond that, it doesn’t even … Continue reading

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Taking a Stand

It’s easy to talk a good game about honesty, integrity, loyalty, and other virtues when everything is going smoothly and those virtues aren’t needed. It’s another matter entirely to act according to those virtues in difficult times. Times where taking … Continue reading

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Watching My Thoughts

There is a meditative technique that I learned about from The Power of Now and several other places. It involves “watching” my thoughts instead of getting stuck in them. This took me a long time to understand and be able … Continue reading

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Now What?

“Ok, now what?” That’s what I often find myself asking when I finish listening to something that’s full of motivation but devoid of direction. I believe motivation is important for working regularly at something, but I also believe that having … Continue reading

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All Work and No Play

I’ve never been into working for long, unbroken stretches of time. Whenever possible, I prefer to do a bit of work and then take a short break, alternating the two until my work is done. I find that to be … Continue reading

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Mindfulness Buddy

One entry in Tim Ferriss’s book Tools of Titans covers some of Chade-Meng Tan’s ideas regarding mindfulness and meditation. Among other things, Meng talks about having a “mindfulness buddy” who can help you with your mindfulness practice. I liked that … Continue reading

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