Category Archives: Great Books

“Seven Ways to Reclaim Your Power”

This is an excerpt from Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway (written by Susan Jeffers) called “Seven Ways to Reclaim Your Power”. All of these methods encourage personal responsibility and focusing on your available options in any situation. I … Continue reading

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Icebergs and Communication

No matter how big an iceberg appears to be, it is always bigger under the surface of the water. Someone who is looking just at what they can see above the water’s surface is only getting part of the picture, … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “Don’t Be Miserable in Advance”

Although I’ve learned a lot about how to avoid worrying, I still deal with it on a regular basis. It has gotten easier over time, however, to settle down and be at peace. This entry from The Daily Stoic, in … Continue reading

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Review of Walden

Walden is an interesting book by Henry David Thoreau. It covers the period of just over two years that he spent living in a cabin near Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts. He did this to see what he’d learn by … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “Anything Can Be an Advantage”

I love this entry from The Daily Stoic since I’m a mere three inches taller than Muggsy Bogues. As such, I’ve enjoyed surprising people with my strength, speed, athleticism, and other abilities that they weren’t expecting because of my height. … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “There Is Always More Room to Maneuver Than You Think”

One of my favorite things about Harry Browne’s book How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World is how he repeatedly shows that we all have a myriad of options in our lives even if we don’t initially see them. … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “Stoic Joy”

For a long time now, I’ve considered joy to be more meaningful than happiness. Joy is something I’ve long considered to be deeper, richer, and more substantial than happiness, cheerfulness, and other similar feelings. There’s something about joy’s ability to … Continue reading

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Daily Self-Care

One of my favorite chapters in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is the one that encourages us to Sharpen the Saw. This involves taking it slow for a while, making sure we get plenty of rest, and temporarily … Continue reading

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Reframing Myself

I felt on edge for a while last night. It started with the caffeine in the sweet tea I had with my dinner and the cookies I had for dessert. That, along with watching a video of people getting angry … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “What’s on Your Tombstone?”

I always enjoy finding places where two or more books I’ve read overlap. This entry from The Daily Stoic fits together nicely with Stephen Covey’s recommendation in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to begin with the end in … Continue reading

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