Category Archives: Getting Along with Each Other

Giving Others the Benefit of the Doubt

I try to keep my actions consistent with my words, but I’ve struggled with that for most of my life. Too often, I’ve talked about the importance of kindness and then done something that’s incredibly mean or otherwise unkind. Something … Continue reading

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Save Some Time for Yourself

Before this past Wednesday, it had been a long time since I took a whole day to rest and do a few things for myself. For over a month, I went out somewhere and did something with other people. I … Continue reading

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The Power of Relaxation

This is a very timely blog post for me as it’s about relaxing, which I haven’t been doing nearly enough lately. While this includes spending time at rest without doing much of anything, I’m talking about being able to relax … Continue reading

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The Importance of Being Self-aware

Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, said the following quote about our ability to choose: “In the space between stimulus (what happens) and how we respond, lies our freedom to choose. Ultimately, this power to … Continue reading

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I’m generally optimistic. While I’ve had plenty of moments of pessimism and negativity in my life, overall I’ve maintained a mindset that things will get better and work out in the end. I don’t know why that’s largely been my … Continue reading

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My Morning Routine

Most people have a morning routine, whether they consciously realize it or not. Some routines work better than others for starting the day off on the right foot and I’ve found one that works well for me. Skipping this routine … Continue reading

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Everything we do with at least one other person involves communication. Whether we’re buying a house, arranging a group trip, playing a sport, making a movie, or any other group activity, we have to communicate effectively to succeed. When emotions … Continue reading

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What Do You Want in Life?

What do you want in life, and what are you doing to get it? Are your actions taking you closer to achieving your dreams or have you gotten stuck in a rut, going through the motions rather than moving forward? … Continue reading

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Why I Love to Write

I’ve written a lot over the course of my life. Long before I ever even thought of starting this blog, I’ve written down my ideas on nearly every subject I know something about for years. I’ve shared some of them … Continue reading

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Review of How to Win Friends and Influence People

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie is an amazing book. I’ve adored it ever since first read it after getting it for Christmas in 2016. Carnegie first published this book in 1936 and it has absolutely stood … Continue reading

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