Category Archives: Getting Along with Each Other

Exploring My Rules: Be Honest

Time for the next entry in the series about my rules. This post will focus on one of my most important rules, both for interacting with other people and dealing with myself: Be honest. I believe honesty is morally right … Continue reading

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Exploring My Rules: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

This is the second post in which I explore my rules in greater detail. The focus of this post will be one of the habits from Stephen Covey’s classic book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Seek first to … Continue reading

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Exploring My Rules: The Golden Rule

I once made a post about the rules I do my best to live by. Lately, I’ve been thinking of different ways to apply them, some of which are not always readily apparent. So I decided to make a separate … Continue reading

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Showing Concern Without Going Overboard

As I’ve progressed in my self-improvement work, I’ve gradually revealed more of my personality to the people I meet, even if we only briefly cross paths. My shyness has drastically decreased as my confidence has steadily risen. Whenever I get … Continue reading

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Guided Meditation and Releasing Negative Energy

I have a hard time letting things go and tend to carry around thoughts and feelings long after the events that caused them. Although I’ve gotten better at letting go over time, I still have problems with it now and … Continue reading

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The Power of Listening

I try to solve problems wherever possible. Much of the progress I’ve made at self-improvement and other skills has come from figuring out my weak points and then fixing them. Further, when I talk to someone about a difficult time … Continue reading

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Comfort Zone

There’s a saying that “life happens outside your comfort zone”. Since I’ve spent a good bit of my life both in and out of my comfort zone at various times, I have to say I agree with that saying. I’ve … Continue reading

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“The Value of a Smile at Christmas”

In How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie talks a lot about smiling, as well as the positive impacts it has both for the person doing it and the people seeing it. This short entry from the book … Continue reading

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Over the last few years, I’ve gotten much better at choosing my words carefully. Not just what I say but how and when I say it. This also includes knowing when something warrants a response and when it’s better left … Continue reading

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Friends and Acquaintances

Most people have many acquaintances and a few friends. They may think they have more friends than they actually do until they stop and think about their relationships. Then they’ll probably realize that several people they thought of as friends … Continue reading

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