Category Archives: Getting Along with Each Other

Small Talk

I’ve never been a fan of small talk. At best, it’s a harmless way to pass the time. At worst, it’s draining and completely uninspiring. I prefer talking to people I know well since that typically minimizes small talk and … Continue reading

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A Lovely Season

This is an interesting season in my life. In short, it feels like I’m retired. This might seem like a strange thing to say, considering that I’m still working at my new job, I have about as many hours as … Continue reading

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Infinity Stones and Life Hacks

Many of the recent Marvel movies feature Infinity Stones, which are six cosmic objects that each control a certain aspect of the universe (space, time, souls, minds, power, and reality). Each individual Stone is already incredibly powerful on its own … Continue reading

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The Path of Least Resistance

There’s a concept I first heard about in high school called “the path of least resistance”. From what I’ve gathered, it’s a way to avoid rocking the boat or upsetting anyone, so it’s an appealing option for some people. I’ve … Continue reading

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My Week of Floating

At the time of this writing, I’ve floated for eight days straight. I had originally planned to float for just two days in a row, but then I decided to see what it would be like to float every day … Continue reading

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An Amazing Saturday

I’ve had a lot of wonderful days as of late and yesterday was no exception. It was easily the best Saturday I’ve had in a while; almost everything went smoothly and the day was full of cool things from beginning … Continue reading

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Patience and Understanding

They say that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. I would say that a little knowledge combined with an unwillingness to consider different viewpoints is even more dangerous. I think of this whenever I see someone jump to conclusions … Continue reading

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In Boundaries, Henry Cloud and John Townsend talk a lot about consequences as a way to learn. Much of what they explore in the book has to do with the negative effects that arise when people don’t experience the consequences … Continue reading

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A Strategy Based on Stephen Covey’s Ideas

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People contains so much wisdom and so many life hacks that I regularly refer back to it. Whenever I do, I always find something good that I had forgotten or never noticed before. I’ve … Continue reading

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In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey advocates pursuing Win/Win solutions. These are solutions in which everyone involved “seeks mutual benefit” and everyone walks away feeling satisfied at the outcome. Covey values Win/Win solutions above solutions in … Continue reading

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