Category Archives: Getting Along with Each Other


In the past few years, I’ve seen the power of expectations. More specifically, I’ve seen how they can negatively affect my mood and turn something that might otherwise have been enjoyable into a disappointment. Some people might say that this … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “Love the Humble Art”

I read this entry from The Daily Stoic yesterday morning. It was a perfect followup to my previous post about juggling, so I knew I had to share it today. I’m fortunate to know a lot of talented people who … Continue reading

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Juggling Memories

It’s amazing how memories can come flooding back at the most unexpected times. Earlier this week, I watched this YouTube video of world-class juggler Vova Galchenko. I was immediately transported back to 2009, which is when I first watched that … Continue reading

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A Nice Sunday

Sundays are usually unpredictable for me. I used to always have a set Sunday routine, but my schedule has fluctuated almost constantly since I switched jobs. I happened to have had the day off work yesterday and got to spend … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures, Getting Along with Each Other, Humanitarian Things, Inspirational People, Swing Dancing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on A Nice Sunday

True Communities

Nowadays, it’s possible to live without ever really getting to know anyone. Some people do this intentionally by making it a point to keep to themselves, but others can fall into this without even trying. Long gone are the days … Continue reading

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Lights in the World

Here’s to everyone who looks at the state of the world and does their best to improve it. They could have shrugged their shoulders and walked away to live simple, easy lives. But they didn’t. They chose to stick it … Continue reading

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Ichetucknee Springs Day 2019

Yesterday, I went to Ichetucknee Springs State Park with a group of my swing dancing friends for some swimming, tubing, and dancing. This was the third time I’ve been to that park and was by far my most enjoyable time … Continue reading

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Review of The King’s Speech

Yesterday, I watched The King’s Speech for the second time. The movie chronicles Prince Albert’s efforts to overcome his stammer as he ascends to the throne and becomes King George VI. This becomes particularly important once World War II begins … Continue reading

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Review of Island

Island is a wonderful book by Aldous Huxley. The story takes place on a Polynesian island called Pala whose inhabitants have figured out how to live peacefully, happily, and effectively. The book starts when Will Farnaby, an English journalist, wrecks … Continue reading

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A Neat Framing Trick

I’ve learned a lot of great life hacks from How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big by Scott Adams. One of them, a framing trick, involves focusing on positive things to do instead of negative things to … Continue reading

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