Category Archives: Adventures

Picking up the Pieces

What happens when someone has built up a lot of bad habits for most of their life? In my case, I was able to get by until a few years ago. That’s when a series of painful events occurred and … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “The Start-Up of You”

This is a great reminder from The Daily Stoic to spend a bit of time each day improving ourselves. It’s important not only for our own well-being but also for the projects and ventures we undertake. All the self-improvement work … Continue reading

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Bold City Circuit House Show

On Saturday night, I went to a show hosted by Bold City Circuit in Jacksonville, Florida. Three musicians performed in someone’s living room and we all got to share an incredibly close, intimate experience. I figured that the evening would … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “Love the Humble Art”

I read this entry from The Daily Stoic yesterday morning. It was a perfect followup to my previous post about juggling, so I knew I had to share it today. I’m fortunate to know a lot of talented people who … Continue reading

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Juggling Memories

It’s amazing how memories can come flooding back at the most unexpected times. Earlier this week, I watched this YouTube video of world-class juggler Vova Galchenko. I was immediately transported back to 2009, which is when I first watched that … Continue reading

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A Nice Sunday

Sundays are usually unpredictable for me. I used to always have a set Sunday routine, but my schedule has fluctuated almost constantly since I switched jobs. I happened to have had the day off work yesterday and got to spend … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures, Getting Along with Each Other, Humanitarian Things, Inspirational People, Swing Dancing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on A Nice Sunday

True Communities

Nowadays, it’s possible to live without ever really getting to know anyone. Some people do this intentionally by making it a point to keep to themselves, but others can fall into this without even trying. Long gone are the days … Continue reading

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Ichetucknee Springs Day 2019

Yesterday, I went to Ichetucknee Springs State Park with a group of my swing dancing friends for some swimming, tubing, and dancing. This was the third time I’ve been to that park and was by far my most enjoyable time … Continue reading

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Lessons from Unicycling

I got a unicycle for Christmas last year and I’ve practiced at it every day since. As a result, I’ve gradually gotten better at it, though I have had to make some occasional adjustments. For starters, it took me a … Continue reading

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Stepping Stones to Greatness

If you’re on a self-improvement journey, you’ll soon reach a point that is noticeably better than anything else you’ve had before and it’ll feel great to be there. Some people stop at this point and stay there for the rest … Continue reading

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