Author Archives: admin

Life Spirals

Take a look at that spiral. What do you notice about it? Most notably, it gets wider toward the top. This is consistent with the life path I’m on: I’ve found that the higher I climb in the spiral, the … Continue reading

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Contrary to popular belief, humans are incapable of truly multitasking. We can switch quickly between two tasks, but we can’t fully focus on more than one thing at a time. The people who appear to succeed at multitasking are really … Continue reading

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Breaking My Social Media Addiction

I’ve mentioned a few times that I’m trying to avoid spending excessive amounts of time on social media. Recently, I’ve started finding ways to actually succeed in doing so instead of just talking or thinking about it. Here are some … Continue reading

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Review of How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World

How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World is a fantastic book written by the late Harry Browne. I had previously watched one or two videos in which Browne discusses some of his ideas about living life, but I had … Continue reading

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What Are You Willing to Do?

What are you willing to do to live the life of your dreams? Whatever it is that you want in life, what changes are you willing to make in order to get it? Depending on what your life currently looks … Continue reading

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Positive Relationships

Any relationship, whether it’s between romantic partners, friends, acquaintances, or family members, requires both participants to want it in order for it to work. If you’re doing all the work, what does that say about the relationship? It means the … Continue reading

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Making Laziness Work for You

Although I can work hard when I set my mind to it, I can also be very lazy without even trying. Most people tend to see laziness as a bad thing and I can also see it that way at … Continue reading

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Review of The Lego Movie

Last night, I rewatched The Lego Movie. It had been a few years since I last saw it, so I forgot how good and insightful it is. That may sound like a strange thing to say about a movie based … Continue reading

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Moving Away from Materialism

For around a year now, I’ve been working on and off at decluttering and moving away from materialism. I still have a lot of stuff and occasionally buy more of it (usually books), but my interests have changed a lot … Continue reading

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The Source of My Optimism

Until the past few months, I had never thought much about how I developed the strong sense of optimism that I’ve had from a young age. Now that I’ve thought about it for a bit, I think I have an … Continue reading

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