Efficient Time Management

For at least the last week, I had been meaning to write about something related to my work but I kept putting it off, saying “I’ll do it later.” However, when “later” arrived, I continued delaying getting started. This morning, I finally sat down after breakfast and got to work. I knew that if I never started it, I’d never finish it. So, even though I merely intended to start it, I nearly completed it in one go. There are a few things to add or tweak but most of it is done, and it took far less time than I’d thought it would.

I think the idea that that writing task would be difficult and take a long time is what kept me from doing for so long. There are some days in which I have little free time and others in which I have all the time in the world. I’ve noticed that when I have more time, I take a super leisurely approach to all my tasks and prioritize pleasure over productivity, almost as if I’m trying to make up for the days in which I have to be on point with my time management. Therefore, if I have the choice to either write about my job or play a video game, I tend to go for the latter option. This can occasionally get out of hand as, on some days, I’ll either get hardly anything meaningful done or I won’t start until shortly before going to bed.

Fortunately, my current life situation allows me to strike a better balance between productivity and pleasure than I’ve had for most of the last few years. In addition to changing jobs and making some important decisions about my approach to life, I’ve also had enough time to practice the time management lessons I’ve learned that they have become almost second nature to me. It’s now fairly easy for me to figure out how to complete important tasks quickly and efficiently so that I have plenty of time to relax and do more of the things I’d rather do. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is how I got good at managing my time and I highly recommend you check it out if you’re interested in learning more about this. Stephen Covey had a gift for explaining complicated subjects in plain English, so you’ll get a lot out of the book after just one reading. That’s all I’ve got for now, so take care and I’ll talk to you next time.

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