The Daily Stoic: “Don’t Be Miserable in Advance”

Although I’ve learned a lot about how to avoid worrying, I still deal with it on a regular basis. It has gotten easier over time, however, to settle down and be at peace. This entry from The Daily Stoic, in addition to acting as a good reminder for me to avoid worrying, also contains some stuff that I think will help me succeed in staying more centered and present. This is one of my favorite entries from The Daily Stoic and it appeared at just the right time for me. I got a lot out of it and I hope you do as well.

It’s ruinous for the soul to be anxious about the future and miserable in advance of misery, engulfed by anxiety that the things it desires might remain its own until the very end. For such a soul will never be at rest – by longing for things to come it will lose the ability to enjoy present things.”

-Seneca, Moral Letters, 98.5b-6a

The way we nervously worry about some looming bad news is strange if you think about it. By definition, the waiting means it hasn’t happened yet, so that feeling bad in advance is totally voluntary. But that’s what we do: chewing our nails, feeling sick to our stomachs, rudely brushing aside the people around us. Why? Because something bad might occur soon.

The pragmatist, the person of action, is too busy to waste time on such silliness. The pragmatist can’t worry about every possible outcome in advance. Think about it. Best case scenario – if the news turns out to be better than expected, all this time was wasted with needless fear. Worst case scenario – we were miserable for extra time, by choice.

And what better use could you make of that time? A day that could be your last – you want to spend it in worry? In what other area could you make some progress while others might be siting on the edges of their seat, passively awaiting some fate?

Let the news come when it does. Be too busy working to care.

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