Holding Back: Concerns About Minding My Own Business

Have you ever wanted to do something but found yourself holding back? I have, and that’s what I feel like I’m doing now. For the last year, I’ve wanted to become an entrepreneur and start my own business. Entrepreneurs who talk about their experiences won me over to this way of thinking. I’m interested in setting up and running a business in such a way that it gives lets me pursue my interests and life purpose, lets me spend more time with my friends and family, frees me from having a boss, brings in money even when I’m asleep, allows me to set my own schedule, and gives me more overall personal freedom.

I’ve read several books and articles, watched countless videos, and talked to a handful of people I know who run businesses or are in also looking to start their own. The more research I’ve done, the more daunting the process appears and the more questions I have. Should I have all my ducks in a row before I start or get started as soon as I have a good idea that will make money? When should I get an account, and how do I find a good one without breaking the bank? How do I keep the government off my back and out of my business as much as possible? What does it take to attract, satisfy, and keep customers? How can I run a business such that I’m not spending most of my waking hours working only to make less money than at a conventional job? These are a few of the questions and concerns that I’ve had since I started looking into all this. Thinking about all of this often stops me in my tracks and makes me want to give up before I even start as it seems like an impossible thing to pull off from my current perspective.

Although I have concerns and uncertainties, there are several things that keep me going. The fact that countless other people have gone before me and found a way to succeed in business helps, especially since many of them have also discussed things that have worked for them. And, as I mentioned above, I’ve been doing a lot of research into what it takes to make a business work. I still have a lot to learn, but I’ve gotten pretty good at learning new things and absorbing information from a wide range of sources until I have an idea of what to do. With that in mind, maybe I’m not actually holding back but instead doing the necessary research to succeed. For the time being, I plan to keep researching and talking to business owners so that I learn some good things to do (as well as good things to avoid) before I get started. Entrepreneurship is risky but also rewarding, and my interest in the rewards outweighs my fear of the risks. If all goes well, then someday I’ll be enjoying all the benefits that come from minding my own business. 

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