Monthly Archives: October 2019

Joker and Mental Health

Joker is the best movie I’ve seen in theaters this year because it’s the most real one I’ve seen. It doesn’t shy away from the pain and hardships that come with mental illness and it does a wonderful job at … Continue reading

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Half a Week with Impostor Syndrome

I had an exchange recently that made me question everything about my journey and where I’m going. It gave me a case of impostor syndrome that stayed with me for about half a week before finally dissipating. Even though I … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “Set the Standards and Use Them”

Sometimes The Daily Stoic gives me exactly what I need right when I need it. This entry did just that. I’ve been having a hard time lately sticking to my own values and that’s been weighing heavily on my mind. … Continue reading

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Review of The War of Art

The War of Art is a phenomenal book by Steven Pressfield. Although it’s fairly short, Pressfield manages to pack in a lot of fantastic food for thought about the creative process. He draws on his own experiences with writing books … Continue reading

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Back to Basics

Lately, I’ve noticed that I keep leaning to one side when I unicycle, so I’ve gone back to shorter rides in the hopes of figuring out what’s causing me to lean and fixing my form. It seems to be helping … Continue reading

Posted in Communication, Getting Along with Each Other, Life Hacks, Personal Freedom, Self-Improvement, Swing Dancing | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Back to Basics

Acting Efficiently

It always amazes me when I get ideas for how to do something better, especially when it’s something that I previously thought couldn’t be improved. I get better at seeing possibilities for improvement once I’ve been doing a particular task … Continue reading

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Training for Life

For a while now, I’ve appreciated the idea of preparing for the difficult times in life by undertaking some types of voluntary hardships. I learned about this from listening to athletes who talk about pushing themselves harder in training than … Continue reading

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Working Through My Thoughts

Many people are afraid of being alone with their thoughts. I understand and relate to that as my mind still gets the best of me at times. However, the more time I’ve spent by myself with no external distractions, the … Continue reading

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The Daily Stoic: “The Most Valuable Asset”

I like what this entry from The Daily Stoic says about self-reliance and independence. While I find immense value in forming and maintaining solid relationships with other people, I still want to always be able to depend on myself. I … Continue reading

Posted in Getting Along with Each Other, Great Books, Inspirational People, Life Hacks, Personal Freedom, Self-Improvement | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on The Daily Stoic: “The Most Valuable Asset”

Working Through Pain

Working through pain instead of trying to bury it has been integral to my personal growth. I’ve discovered that I’ll continue repeating lessons until I’ve learned them and that trying to avoid learning them only adds to my burden and, … Continue reading

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